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Happy Birthday jackshoe

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Happy Birthday old man. Here is wishing you many more and I certainly will tip one in your honor this evening. Glad to see your knee surgeries went well and it won't be long before you'll be on the San Juan River with Annie.


Mr. Bounds and I have had some awesome fishing trips and shared many of camp fires. Those who know Ted know they don't come any better. Not only is he a great friend but more like a brother to me. He recently went thru 2 complete knee surgeries at the same time, went back to work in record time, and has been working 12hr days for weeks without a day off due to shortage at work. That my friends is what I call one tough critter.







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Thanks TJ and Amanda. I'm looking forward to being able to walk withour pain again. Wish you could be with us at the Juan this year Tom. The boys will all miss you, and me too.


Ted B.

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