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Guest wdenike


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Guest wdenike







Take care, Willie

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I wonder if i quit paying my federally backed student loans for 20 years, if i could just wave my gun around for a couple weeks and the feds would go running away. When they came back to seize my assets for the non payment of the loans maybe i could get a couple other non payers to join in with me and protect my assets thru civil disobedience. Heck ole sheriff joe might even show up with the swat team. The guy should have paid his bills, cause by not paying them he left the back door open for reid and anyone else to roll over him thru lawful ways. It's always the guys on the fringe of issues that do this kind of stuff and then hide behind a flag , a symbol of a patriot. It's also patriotic to pay your bills, but it doesn't look as good to pay your bills in this instance, but instead prance around on a horse waving a flag, Pretty sad!!

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/>I wonder if i quit paying my federally backed student loans for 20 years, if i could just wave my gun around for a couple weeks and the feds would go running away. When they came back to seize my assets for the non payment of the loans maybe i could get a couple other non payers to join in with me and protect my assets thru civil disobedience. Heck ole sheriff joe might even show up with the swat team. The guy should have paid his bills, cause by not paying them he left the back door open for reid and anyone else to roll over him thru lawful ways. It's always the guys on the fringe of issues that do this kind of stuff and then hide behind a flag , a symbol of a patriot. It's also patriotic to pay your bills, but it doesn't look as good to pay your bills in this instance, but instead prance around on a horse waving a flag, Pretty sad!!

Good luck in the future... You'll need it.

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a cattle farmer is a terrorist, but admited terrorist how killed at fort hood isn't. HUMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1

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Yes, Bundy did screw up by not paying the fees. They would have still tried to run him off the land however.

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Google Harry Reid bribe and you will see what a POS this guy is. Justice for sale if you can meet his price.

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If I don't pay my bills, I'd get evicted too.and if I got my buddies together with our guns to try to intimidate the landlord into not evicting me, we would all be swiftly arrested and taken to jail and rightfully so.but idiots, not terrorists, would be the right word to use.

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Yeah but that's not the whole story but keep worshipping the gooberment

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Haha OK buddy.I know that's not the whole story and nothing I said is pro or anti government.but I'm a man who pays his bills. Why don't you practice what you preach and show us how to not 'worship the government' and stop paying your bills.I'm interested in hearing how that works out for ya.

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For those of you that still think this is just about "paying your bills", I'm sure you're happy about paying into Obamacare too because it's the law.

I'm sure you will also be more than willing to give up your personal retirement accounts to the government when Obama passes "MyRA". Afterall, it will be the law. **BTW, if you don't know what MyRA is I suggest you google it. Obama wants to seize your IRA's and 401K's so the government can "reinvest" it for you.

When Bloomberg banned soda, salt and transfats in NYC would you have complied like sheep just because it's the "law"?

When Fienstein takes your guns will you comply because it is the "law"?

Just because it's a law, doesn't make it American or Constitutional. Afterall, Obamacare wouldn't even exist right now if the NSA didn't have dirt on Justice Roberts and the affair he was having. They blackmailed him for a vote for Obamacare. Roberts sold out the American people because he couldn't keep his d1ck in his pants. Corruption.... And I'm tired of it.


The American people now pay more in taxes than they do for food, housing and clothing combined.

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Yeah but that's not the whole story but keep worshipping the gooberment


That is the whole story... The BLM lowered the number of cattle he was allowed to graze (have you seen the grazing land?) and he got upset and decided he didn't want to acknowledge them and then proceeds to graze 5 times as many cattle.


Screw Bundy, the BLM was finally doing what they should have done 18 years ago. The reason the other ranchers are leaving is because the area is poor grazing land.


I'm not pro government, but this time they were doing something right.

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For those of you that still think this is just about "paying your bills", I'm sure you're happy about paying into Obamacare too because it's the law.


I'm sure you will also be more than willing to give up your personal retirement accounts to the government when Obama passes "MyRA". Afterall, it will be the law. **BTW, if you don't know what MyRA is I suggest you google it. Obama wants to seize your IRA's and 401K's so the government can "reinvest" it for you.


When Bloomberg banned soda, salt and transfats in NYC would you have complied like sheep just because it's the "law"?


When Fienstein takes your guns will you comply because it is the "law"?


Just because it's a law, doesn't make it American or Constitutional. Afterall, Obamacare wouldn't even exist right now if the NSA didn't have dirt on Justice Roberts and the affair he was having. They blackmailed him for a vote for Obamacare. Roberts sold out the American people because he couldn't keep his d1ck in his pants. Corruption.... And I'm tired of it.


The American people now pay more in taxes than they do for food, housing and clothing combined.

Amen brother!


Justice Roberts is a traitor, and sold us down the Liberal river without a paddle. I wonder what he see's in the mirror every morning?

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