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Unit 1 Archery Bull tag 1st tag ever

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Just wondering what anyone recommends for gear, Calls etc. This is my first ever Elk tag, I have plenty of experienced help but don't want to rely solely on anyone for help. Any and all suggestions greatly appreciated!

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Get good boots. Plenty of area in 1 to get away from people, but you will have to work at it. You might also want a good pack to haul him out.

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yeah I have a decent pack and another frame pack as well just curious what type of calls anybody recommends, cover scent camo I shoot Matthews with Gold Tip arrowss g5 strikers just curious if anyone thinks that's good enough

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Pine Donkey has a good point. Lots of good area in unit 1 but there are roads everywhere. Be willing to walk a ways to get out of the pack.

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Be in shape!! I drew the same tag thinking I would not get drawn. Too much beer drinking and not shooting my bow enough is coming back to haunt me. Time to get my butt in gear. Good luck!

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Ya one thing for sure is being in shape but I stay in shape but I know its not enough for such a demanding hunt. As far as beer drinking, not much of a drinker anymore and luckily I shoot regularly. Good thing about living in little towns no city slickers calling cops when they see you shooting from your street to the back yard lol

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1 - Be realistic. Unit 1 has lots of good bulls, a few really big bulls. A solid 360+ bull is doable, but probably actually harvested by under 5% of hunters, and that's being conservative.


2 - Be patient - you'll have lots of situations where you are in the middle of some awesome rut activity, and opportunities arise, but they aren't quite what you are after. Ending the hunt on day one or two takes away the rest of the hunt.


3 - Be aggressive - I've never hunted the WMAT, but I have friends who have. Their guides go balls out after every bugle, when the bugles stop they pound the bedding areas and wallows. Rutting bulls are like a UFC fighter on speed. Don't hunt the morning, take a long nap, hunt the evening, and sip crown and coke by the fire. Hunt hard every minute. Try to think like a testosterone filled teenager, cause that's what you're after.


4 - Have fun - this should probably be #1, but it isn't. Being in Unit 1 during the peak of the rut as the aspens turn to gold, is one of the most incredible experiences around - but only if you take the time to relax, experience it all, and let it soak in. The moonlit night, the campfire, the sound of distant bugles that will enter your dreams, the first cup of coffee in the morning, the dew or frost, wind or still, the little things that remind you that you are hunting.


It's hard to be relaxed when you have a numbers-based goal in mind, running on a breakfast burro and the snickers in your pack. It's all GO-GO, this place or that place - questioning every move. Take time out to "smell the roses". It might just change the way you view the success or failure of a hunt.

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I had that tag last year. You can use pretty much any call. For the most part, the bulls never gave a darn about calls for the time I was there. I did call 2 bulls in to 15 yards with my wifes MacDaddy of all things. The Elk are easily patterned if you or someone else doesn't blow them clear out. I found most people didn't like to hike very far. The only place I got jammed was down off the 25 road at centerfire and I knew better than to go there anyway. Most people parked on the side of the road, hunted part way down a ridge and were heading back to camp by 9:00. Most of the herds were heading to bed areas around 9 and I followed several to their beds and snuck in on them. Shot my bull at 12:00 by sneaking in on him after he answered my locating bugle at 11:30.

Decent boots, laced tight so your foot doesn't move around will make things easier. There is some rock in that unit and your feet tend to get twisted around as you hike. Take your time if you can. I had been there for a week and shot mine on day 3 of the season. I couldn't go anywhere without hearing bulls bugling and they bugled all day long. My quad made driving to some areas easier too. Some of the dirt roads were pot holed up and had some rock.

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Don't think you have to get away from people to harvest big bulls. Basically dont walk away from elk trying to walk away from people. Lots of elk find what you want and hunt him hard.

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Don't think you have to get away from people to harvest big bulls. Basically dont walk away from elk trying to walk away from people. Lots of elk find what you want and hunt him hard.


Jim is correct. There are a lot of bulls in easily accessible areas, however, there are a lot of hunters also. If you don't mind hunting with company, you don't need to walk too far. However, if you get a mile or two from the roads, you can be all by yourself. Last year, I hunted 10 days, all day long. In that time, I ran into one other hunter in the field. I was working a bull in some thick stuff and the hunter came to see what was going on. He walked into the open at 25 yards, and then saw me. He waved and said "hello". The bull I was working thundered off. It was within about 50 yards. This hunter did nothing wrong, but I just don't do well in those situations. I am willing to hike past some bulls, and some hunters to have a place to myself.


The post Coach made on this thread is great. He has captured the essence of the hunt, not just the kill and the score. Good luck on the hunt. You have drawn the best possible tag in my opinion. I will be up there for part of the season, just enjoying the experience.

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BTW, we'll be there with you. My oldest son drew this tag. He's young but very enthusiastic. I know he will prep for this hunt. He's only hunted Javi's with his bow, and has done, well realistically, only OK. He's great at calling, finding and stalking, but when it comes to making the shot, his nerves sometimes override his practice. That's what we'll be working on this summer. Hope to see you out there.

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Coach I am curious: between your expertise in the unit but also your sons experience limitations, what is your realistic target score/" range for your sons hunt?

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