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squaring bonus points

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I have heard alittle talk about triing to get AZGFD to start squaring bonus points.

Can someone explain to me how this works?



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what is squaring bonus points, do you mean when there is more then 1 applacant they take the average points, like i have 4 and my freind has 2 it equals out to 3 or are you talking about something else

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I don't know for sure but I'm assuming it would work like this.

1 Bp = 1 extra random number generated









So effectively, if they were to square the bonus points it would move the draw towards more heavily favoring those with more bonus points.

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I believe squaring bonus points would be a big improvement. Let's face it, bonus points are meant to improve people odds at the top, but they fail to do enough IMO. If points were squared it would render the people at the bottom with little chance to draw premium tags, but they would still HAVE A CHANCE.


To square points is to simply times your BPs by themselves.

4 would equal 16

10 would equal 100 and so on.

I think it is the right way to go.

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I agree with gotcoues. I think those guys at the top with most BP's deserve a tag more than some guys that drew last year or year before. I get tired of hearing "well what do you know I drew my third antelope tag in four years!" While some guys have waited 25 years to get to hunt antelope. I doubt they would ever go to the squared BP's but I would support it if they did.

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Its hard enough to draw a premium tag as it is, why should a guy get punished just cause he drew last year? Most guys who draw tags in consecutive years are putting in for the less desirable hunts. Of the guys that I know who have a pile of points they are only looking for on specific unit and season. Lots of them only put one choice down.



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It's a good idea. But it has to come with some revisions to the current system.


1. Square points. The hunter who has put in for 10 years(100 points) is much more likely to draw than the guy who has put in for 4 years (16 points), but the 4 point applicant still has a chance.


2. Drop the bonus pass round. 100% of the tags go to the random draw.


3. Increase the NR allocation to 15%. This will attract more NR to apply in the current unfriendly NR climate and push them through the system faster, while keeping resident tag costs on a gentle slope with an insignificant impact on draw odds.

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4falls, I have to disagree with your your logic a bit on this one. If your applying for hunts with a 40-80% chance of getting drawn, then this change wouldn't affect you as much (IE TJ).


Deer and Elk have plenty of hunts that are easier to draw. I believe this system would have the most affect on premium tags only. With that being said, all goat, sheep and Goulds tags are premium tags. So these along with the Dec WT, Kaibab, Strip, premium elk and so on would be most affected.


I hardly feel the guy who drew antelope or early rifle bull last year are "getting punished", just ask the guys with 18-24 points about "punishment".

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Its already in the making that if you get drawn for elk you cant put in the next year. This will help draw odds

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Nevada squares bonus points. I like the idea of the longer you have been putting in your chances go up exponetialy. The other idea that would work is to change the bonus point pass to 80% of the tags leaving 20% for the "lucky" people.

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GotCoues... looking at the time of my post Im not sure I was using much logic. Maybe I didnt comprehend the squaring of the points concept fully. After re-reading it does seem like a viable alternative. I for one am one of those guys who is lucky enough to get a tag for something pretty much every year though rarely a "premium" tag. I do know guys, however, whove been waiting forever It would be great if a system could be devised that could keep them from ever reaching that high teen - low twenty bonus point number. Maybe this is it I don't know. But on the flip side I'm also wary that we mihgt end up in a spot where it takes 5 years to draw a late archery tag for elk.

That being said the current system obviously has its flaws and I've always been skeptical that it changed draw success from the old pre bonus point days much.

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Average Joe,


That will have zero affect on ANY premium hunts and will ONLY affect draws with higher percentages which no one is complaining about.


It would stop the luckiest of all lucky people, the ones who draw back to back early archery bull hunts, now they "the lucky ones" will only draw every other yr haha

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Sitting out doesn't make sense for people who just want to hunt cow elk archery. Again you can get an elk tag every yr or at least every other year, it makes zero sense to sit out of the draw and that is a loss of revenue which means tag prices would have to go up. BAD IDEA


Just improve the system we have. Everyone still has a chance, and we can put the bonus point system to work for those who deserve it the most. My friend who got me into hunting almost 17 years ago has been applying for sheep since long before the BP system was put in place. "The original crew" got screwed because they were awarded 1 bp along with people who were applying for their first year. The beginning of BPs should have started with points based on actual yrs applying. Anyway, now my bud is in 50s, has one less than max, because his app was rejected one year, and doesn't even know if he'll draw his sheep tag while he is still healthy enough to hunt sheep. If everyone's points were squared tomorrow, I'll bet his odds wouldn't change a whole lot because there are soooooo many people with massive points for sheep. What it would do is see these peoples odds overall increase vs a 10yr old applying for the first time. Let's face it, not everyone is going to draw a sheep tag, but why shouldn't the people who applied the most have a HUGE increase in chances over the people just starting to apply.

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Lucky person here....seems when most people say the system needs to be improved, it means, "I want to draw a premium tag." Look at the number of people at each bonus point level and remember they would all square their points, not just you. Your odds are still going to be terrible until you reach max points....which is pretty much the same system we have now.

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Average Joe,


That will have zero affect on ANY premium hunts and will ONLY affect draws with higher percentages which no one is complaining about.


It would stop the luckiest of all lucky people, the ones who draw back to back early archery bull hunts, now they "the lucky ones" will only draw every other yr haha

How would having 20,000 less applicants not effect a premium hunt also? It might not have as much as an effect but definitely more than Zero effect. If its a premium hunt with 20-100 or more tags depending on the unit only a few tags go to bonus point holders. So the rest go to random applicants. Less random applicants equals higher odds. Or am I missing something?

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