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Woman Stops Bear Attack With .25 Caliber Pistol

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Woman Stops Bear Attack With .25 Caliber Pistol
This is a story of self control and marksmanship. A woman survived a bear attack with one well placed shot from her itsy bitsy .25 caliber Beretta Jetfire. These are her own words.:
While out hiking in Alberta Canada with my boyfriend, we were surprised when a huge bear came charging at us out of nowhere. She must have been protecting her cubs because she was extremely aggressive.
If I had not had my little Beretta Jetfire I would not be here today! I yanked it out of my purse and fired one shot. It hit my boyfriend in his kneecap and the bear caught him easily. While the grizzly mauled the poor cripple, I was able to escape by just walking away at a brisk pace. I love that pistol.























copied this from a buddies facebook ;)

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I've been saying that for years. LOL

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my dad told me a story once, that I was reminded of when I read some of the previous posts, he was in Alaska during the story.


He was with a buddy and 2 of his buddy's buddies. 1 of the buddies my dad wasn't very fond of because he purposefully gutshot a caribou in order to save the mane. it ran off and was found 3 days later and it was green, but anyways, he didn't like the guy. during the hunt, they were in grizzly territory, so they would carry a gun on them at all times. one day, around the campfire, the guy my dad didn't like, asked a really stupid question, "how many bullets do we have, total, to kill a bear if one were to charge us??????" and so my dad explained to him really slow that if all 4 of them had revolvers that can hold 6 cartridges in them, that they would have 23 "bullets" to kill a charging grizzly bear. well the guy said "well if he has 6, and he has 6, and I have 6, and you have 6, isn't that 24?" (he remembered that he passed elementary school) and my dad said " well, you see, he has 6, he has 6, you have six, and I have 5" and so the guy asked why my dad only has 5 if his gun has 6 cartridges in it. my dad then explained that "if his 6, his 6, your 6, and my 5 doesn't kill a charging grizzly bear, then I will put MY 6TH cartridge in the back of your leg, because I don't have to outrun a charging bear, all I have to outrun is you!" well after the hunt, all the way back to basecamp, that guy walked behind my dad....

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Ha poor guy, leave it to a lady to always think of herself first! Haha

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Nice sound like something my wife would do.

Hey bbd1234 we still Bear hunting this weekend I need to know how many bullets I need for my Pistol.

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Nice sound like something my wife would do.

Hey bbd1234 we still Bear hunting this weekend I need to know how many bullets I need for my Pistol.

The way Richard shoots, you wont need any. That dude is a dead eye.

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