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Buck taken in 35B!!!

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This buck was taken during the november hunt sorry it's taken me so long to post it, but let me tell you it was one awesome hunt. After walking and glassing all morning on the second day, our hunting group got together around 10:30. We sat at the top of a high ridge line to grab a quick bit. I decided to glass the entire area when i stoped this guy walking between the trees about 1200 yards away. I saw him for a split second but i knew it had to be a buck. I decided to go after him. I saw him and spooked him once while on my stalk. He ran to the top of the ridge and i tried to get infront of him. Thinking he had spoked over to the other side of the ridge i followed him, but realized the other side was open area and i would have seen him. I went back and forth on each side until about my tenth time going back to the side i started from. I could hear something walking toward me so stopped to see what it was. It was the same buck i spooked and he was walking quartering toward me. Staring straight at me at 40 - 50 yards i raise my .243 and he starts to run. I had two shooting lanes about ten yards apart and i took them both on the run. Got him both times! After waiting a couple minutes i found this guy dead 60 yards away. Special hunt for me as it was my last hunt before i leave on a mission for two years. Glad my family could be there. HUNTING - the greatest thing on earth!


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SS - where are you going to on your mission? Better be barbequing as much of that venison as you can before you leave - especially if you are going to a 3rd world country. Good luck and nice buck! CB

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