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Ouch UofA Basketball

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no sour grapes here regarding anything ASU/ua.


I do have some ua regrets. First, taking my adolescent nephews to the BYU/ua football game and exposing them to all the obscene, drunk idiots. Second, getting stuck in the stadium after the ua loss to Oregon when a moron from my section threw a water bottle and hit an Oregon cheerleader in the head. They would not let anyone leave our section until the apprehended the idiot.

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Congrats to the nogales north softball team for their 10 inning road victory yesteday in Tempe (they avoided the sweep).

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You do realize Tucson and nogales are different cities right? And not very close together.... Should we call you guys east LA?


Of course not. They would never resort to name calling or pettiness, only us UA fans are so lowly to do so. :P

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no sour grapes here regarding anything ASU/ua.


I do have some ua regrets. First, taking my adolescent nephews to the BYU/ua football game and exposing them to all the obscene, drunk idiots. Second, getting stuck in the stadium after the ua loss to Oregon when a moron from my section threw a water bottle and hit an Oregon cheerleader in the head. They would not let anyone leave our section until the apprehended the idiot.


And my dad and I went to the Wisconsin- Asu game earlier this year and we had DRUNK ASU fans yelling at us " I am going to f***ing kill you" and "go back to your land of cheese-eating fag**ts"........ so don't act like you ASU guys are any better......there will always be idiots and a**holes at any form of sports game, you just have to learn to ignore them, I ignored those ASU fans, and I had a good time until the refs screwed up the game, but I got over that as well. If you don't like the people at the games, watch the game at home.

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You do realize Tucson and nogales are different cities right? And not very close together.... Should we call you guys east LA?

Of course he does, it just somebody trying to say Nogales is a shameful place.... And being from there or going to school there would make them a lessor person. ASU fans and alumni say that all the time in an effort to belittle UA.... I think it racist.

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I would much rather live in nogales than anywhere in the phoenix area. After all, b&c and p&y world record typical coues both were not to far from nogales.

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I think this was posted before, but here goes...





You done took a wrong turn boy.....Now, let's you just drop dem' pants.

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/>Nogales north???? Really?? Sounds like racist garbage!

Unfortunately Tucson doesn't put up much of a defense when it comes to that comment. People who aren't from the area and who visit Tucson probably think it's a border town because of how dirty it is. Nothing to do with the racism or anything like that, it's just a dirty city. The city of Tucson prioritizes it's upkeep in the popular and wealthy places like the north side while it just turns it's eye away from everything else like it's being written off. Tucson is going down the drain and it won't be long before it looks like east Detroit.

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/> Nogales north???? Really?? Sounds like racist garbage!

Unfortunately Tucson doesn't put up much of a defense when it comes to that comment. People who aren't from the area and who visit Tucson probably think it's a border town because of how dirty it is. Nothing to do with the racism or anything like that, it's just a dirty city. The city of Tucson prioritizes it's upkeep in the popular and wealthy places like the north side while it just turns it's eye away from everything else like it's being written off. Tucson is going down the drain and it won't be long before it looks like east Detroit.

I have lived in Tucson for 41 years. You are right. It is going down the dump. We can thank the Liberal City Clown-cil, that the knuckleheads of this town keep voting for. Not business friendly. Not to mention the cheap labor, that has made quality jobs very hard to come by.

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