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Ouch UofA Basketball

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Red man ,You are questionining My basket ball knowledge and the next thing You do is blame the Refs. What is Your BBall back ground?. As far as Gordon and Nick You other guys are right. their stock will never get any higher.....BOB!

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Should be interesting to see who goes and stays. It's rare in sports of any kind to have defeats like this yet still have legitimate reasons to be optimistic for the next year, years, to be as good or better. Miller has UofA right back where they left off on Lutes strong years. Now to just break through to the Final Four and Title games. Much to be excited about again.

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Red man ,You are questionining My basket ball knowledge and the next thing You do is blame the Refs. What is Your BBall back ground?. As far as Gordon and Nick You other guys are right. their stock will never get any higher.....BOB!


Just find it ridiculous that you said Kaleb Tarczewski sucks, to say he "sucks" means you must be really good... and accomplished a lot in your basketball career

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I don't think Nick had a very good series,I think the pressure got to him,The offensive foul was a horrible call.and coach new they were getting the ball back, what are horrible play call.

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Arizona overcame the loss of a key player and made it to the elite 8. Anyone who can say that was a choke is probably sucking on sour grapes. Arizona is clearly the cream of the crop in the Pac 12. Next years roster should have them right back in the hunt for a championship. The unruly crowd in Tucson is reminiscent of the ASU fans who rushed the floor and had to be removed by security. Evidently geographical location or school affiliation does'nt determine class. That is an individual choice. Disappointing loss for the Cats for sure. Still one of the 8 best teams in all of NCAA basketball. Not too bad. Onward and upward for the Cats!

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Arizona overcame the loss of a key player and made it to the elite 8. Anyone who can say that was a choke is probably sucking on sour grapes. Arizona is clearly the cream of the crop in the Pac 12. Next years roster should have them right back in the hunt for a championship. The unruly crowd in Tucson is reminiscent of the ASU fans who rushed the floor and had to be removed by security. Evidently geographical location or school affiliation does'nt determine class. That is an individual choice. Disappointing loss for the Cats for sure. Still one of the 8 best teams in all of NCAA basketball. Not too bad. Onward and upward for the Cats!

A riot out in public streets is not even close as ASU students rushing a court after a win!

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I, personally think Johnson is over rated. Player of the year but didn't have a single point until the very end of the Gonzaga game, although he was clutch at the end. Then, he's entrusted with the final play of the game and didn't even get a damm shot off.... that was very disappointing to me.

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Arizona overcame the loss of a key player and made it to the elite 8. Anyone who can say that was a choke is probably sucking on sour grapes. Arizona is clearly the cream of the crop in the Pac 12. Next years roster should have them right back in the hunt for a championship. The unruly crowd in Tucson is reminiscent of the ASU fans who rushed the floor and had to be removed by security. Evidently geographical location or school affiliation does'nt determine class. That is an individual choice. Disappointing loss for the Cats for sure. Still one of the 8 best teams in all of NCAA basketball. Not too bad. Onward and upward for the Cats!

A riot out in public streets is not even close as ASU students rushing a court after a win!

Gotta agree 100% BC

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still sour grapes?


how about rushing the field before losing to Oregon?


either everyone on this forum has a selective memory or they have double standards!

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Arizona overcame the loss of a key player and made it to the elite 8. Anyone who can say that was a choke is probably sucking on sour grapes. Arizona is clearly the cream of the crop in the Pac 12. Next years roster should have them right back in the hunt for a championship. The unruly crowd in Tucson is reminiscent of the ASU fans who rushed the floor and had to be removed by security. Evidently geographical location or school affiliation does'nt determine class. That is an individual choice. Disappointing loss for the Cats for sure. Still one of the 8 best teams in all of NCAA basketball. Not too bad. Onward and upward for the Cats!

Wish I was there drinking a Hoegaarden at the Frog, watching this go down. There is no action at UT ever, fingers crossed for Football Season.

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Duke could target Miller when Coach K retires. Probably within the next 3 years.


Don't worry. There is no chance miller would ever coach at duke.

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Also, people haven't brought up RHJ, but there is definitely a chance he turns pro. He was leaning towards staying most of the year, but has been shooting up draft boards the past couple weeks.

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/>It seems that riots based on sporting events have become part of our culture. It happens across the country and even world. When it happens those idiots involved get a slap on the wrist and 15 minutes of fame. This motivates idiots to rationalize the need to riot...now they are rioting over an elite 8 game...where will it stop. I say lock up everyone that was arrested and fine the heck out of them. Also charge them for all related costs; sorta like the stupid motorist law that charges those who get caught in a wash. Hit a college student with a $50k fine for being caught while being stupid. Pretty soon, rioting would not be so cool. It's a game you juvenile idiots! This is nothing compared to the realities of life outside of college. Grow up and become a productive part of our society!

+1, well said Robert.

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If ASU fans can overlook their bias for a moment, they will notice that my previous post made the point that classy behaviour is an individual choice. Its not based on affiliation with any particular school or program. Classless behaviour is classless behaviour regardless of which school you root for. And by the way, if my memory serves me, ASU fans rushed the court before the game was over. Minor technicality i'm sure.

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/>still sour grapes?


how about rushing the field before losing to Oregon?


either everyone on this forum has a selective memory or they have double standards!


Yes because you are never sour over anything concerning UA/ASU right??


Classless comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. And that includes Wildcats and Sun Devils alike.

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