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Badlands 2200

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Ok i sold my badlands super day and got the 2200. Now i am trying to find out where to put all my gear. For those that have them how do you best use the space available in them. I know most of it is prefrance to the wearer, but i am just looking for ideas. It has more cubic inches but almost seems like it has less space for some reason.

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I did the same thing and ended up selling the 2200 and buying the eberlestock xproject pack. The 2200 does not have near the pockets that other packs have. It is an awesome pack and very comfy but I like to keep my stuff more organized with all kinds of stupid pockets.

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I have trouble cramming my gear in my 2200, so I don't know that my method is useful at all, but here is how I use it: I have my spotting scope in the sort of cylindrical zipper pocket on the one of the "wings" and put my tripod in the open pocket in the other wing. Then I have my food kept in the small zippered pocket that is on the inside of the pack and I put all my smaller items that I use more often (like GPS, knives, lens pen) in the zippered outside front pocket. Then I put my jacket and water bottles in the main pocket. I don't use a water bladder, so I don't use the hydration mesh pocket. I put much smaller stuff in those tiny zippered pockets on the outside of the "wings" (things like a buck grunt call or small bottle of saline to keep my contacts from getting too dry in wind).


To try and help organize the main pocket I use ziplock or garbage bags to segregate things. I still find the pack too small to handle stuff easily. The wings are annoying to open all the time. If I am not crawling through thick veg I can sometimes get away with just stuffing my jacket between the main pocket and the straps that hold the wings together. That works pretty well and saves room in your main pocket for other stuff but there is some risk to losing your jacket that way. I have taken to working the little plastic clip on the batwing straps into a hoop in the back of my jacket so it's really unlikely to come off.



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It seems my superday was much easer to use. At this point i have put my knives and stone in the outside pocket on the left outside of wing. I have my head lamp and flash light and GPS in the other outside pocket on the right wing. I use the small water bladder in the puch made for it. With two extra bottles in the main compartment. With my survival gear. I will most likly do my jacket the same way Amanda has said. I do not pack my spotting scope any farther than i have to so that will hold something else most of the time. I will put my tripod in the side Amanda does as well. Then i will put snacks and trail food in the top pocket. This way i will not have to open the wings evry time i need something. Then again i may take it back and get another superday. I do not like the fact that rain and snow and leafs and all the stuff will acumulate in the open end of Eberlstock and i fill it is to bulky for me. I am sure they are great packs but i do not like the fill on me.

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I put snacks in the pocket for the spotting scope because mine doesn't fit in there. The pocket on the outside of that batwing is nothing but firstaid supplies. On the other batwing pocket I keep another camo face net incase the one in my pants pocket runs away. My GPS, cell phone, camera, and notebook are in the pocket on the outside at the top. The pocket inside holds random stuff like lighters, a small mirror, two way radio, any extra calls I'm not planning on using but may end up using (like a predator call during turkey season) extra batteries for the GPS and radio, and a very basic overnight/survival kit. In the mesh pocket inside I put all my knives in a ziplock bag, and any extra scents also in their own ziplock bag (can you guess why?). Game bags, and rain gear is rolled up as tight as possible and tied to keep them that way and put in the bottom of the pack. The main pocket in the pack will sometimes hold some rope, but mostly stays empty. The water blader is set inside, and hung from the little red rope that is supose to keep your keys. I'll strap my jacket to the outside held on with the batwings. I love the pack.


I would love to have an eberlestock pack, but I tend to fill empty pockets, then search for something that I can no longer find. :unsure:

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Some good information here everyone. Thanks! I currently have an older model Superday and added an Eberlestock Just One to my pack collection last year. I love my Just One, but I still foresee a need for my Superday while archery hunting (my Just One seems somewhat big to archery hunt with when not traveling far from camp or the truck), but I don't like the feel of my Superday when it's loaded down. I was thinking of possibly replacing the Superday with the 2200 or 2800, but not sure if I'll just be getting more comparable to the Just One in size (ie too big).


I like the idea of the Just One where I can haul out a good load of meat after I get one on the ground on the first trip out. I think the 2200 or 2800 would also allow that where as the Superday in my experience doesn't handle the weight as well (no load lifter straps on the shoulder straps) or have as good a design to strap the meat on. I'll have to research and compare some more based on what I've read here. Several things have been brought up I'll have to keep in mind as I do my research.




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I have the newer version 2200 and like it just fine. I guess you guys carry more than I do. I put my tipod vertical in the main compartment; knives, stones, saw, mule tape, larger garbage bags, etc. in a bag in the bottom; first aid kit, emerg. poncho, flash light, matches, camera, plastic gloves, etc. in another bag in bottom: large binos next. Upper zip compartment has marking tape, tripod mounts, varmit call, GPS, and other stuff. Each side compartment has a bottle of water. Snacks go in the outside zipper pouch. I am probably missing some things but there is enogh room to carry my things. Don't ask me where the boned out meat goes though. :D

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Well I used some Christmas money and ended up getting a 2200. I was able to try it out this weekend in scouting and hunting pigs this weekend. Here's a few thoughts about it and how I packed it.


As I said before, this is kind of a replacement for my older Superday backpack. I like the fact that I'm able to lash some meat easier to the 2200 than the Superday. I didn't get to try out that feature yet, but hopefully by the time pig season ends I'll have gotten to try it out.


I put my 15 power binos in the top outside pocket, tripod in the tripod holder on the wing, and since I usually don't carry a spotting scope much, I put a bottle of water in the spotting scope pocket on the other wing. I was hoping to put a water bladder in the mesh pocket on the zip out back panel, but the 70 oz Camelbak I use barely fits, and the 100 oz doesn't fit. I instead put the water bladder in the inside top pocket, hanging it from the hook. I put my first aid kit and other odds and ends in the mesh pocket on the zip out back panel.


I stuff my lunch, fleece vest, and other stuff (jacket) inside the main pocket with room to spare (although not much). I strapped my crazy creek glassing chair to the bottom of the pack.


After using the pack for a couple of days and carrying it for only 5 miles or so, I'm very happy with it. It's very comfortable and moves well with me. I'm curious how it would feel and how much stability it would lose if I were to remove the aluminum stays. I did try it at home and liked how easily it flexed with my body, but am afraid it would lose it's support, especially in packing heavy loads (ie meat).


A couple of minor annoyances or disappointments with the pack are as follows. The SMALL outside pockets on the wings are just that, small. I couldn't fit a 26 oz sport bottle in them, but a 16 oz water bottle fits. I'm using those pockets to hold rope, granola/energy bars, and other snacks. I have a small waist, so there's not a lot of extra webbing on the hip belt between the buckle and the hip belt padding. It makes it tough to attach extra pouches like rangefinder/camera/gps cases. A beef I have with all pack manufacturers are the holes they put for the water bladder tubes are always too small and hard to fit the tube through. I usually end up just brining it out through an opening in the zipper so I don't have to fight it. I think this is the case for just about every pack I have except a camelbak hiking daypack.


Overall, I'm very pleased with the 2200. I'm looking forward to carrying it this month on my archery javelina hunt. Came close to packing one out yesterday, but just couldn't get a clear shot through the brush...

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I read your comparison to your Ebrilstock over on Arizona sportsman journal as well. You findings have been the same as mine. The pack is growing on me for sure.

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I just bought the 2200 with some Christmas money as well. Its my first backpack of any size. I love it and it carries just about everything I need for the day. I will be putting it to the test this month with my javi hunt.

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I had the chance to try out my 2200 pack on my javelina hunt recently. I'm pretty happy with how it performed. No major complaints towards it, not even any minor ones really.


The true test of it was how it would handle the meat packout. I was very pleased with it. My pig was 43 lbs and I weighed my pack when I got home with what I carried out and it weight about 17 lbs. So, 60 lbs total. Was very comfortable on the hike out.


Here's some pics of it loaded up...




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The true test would have been to put JLG in the pack and pack him out with the pig. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Just got my 2200 the other day ,my first real backpack. What does anyone think of the water bladder that you can get for this Pack. I think it is 90 or 95 Oz's

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I use a small on in the pouch. I think it is just a 50 ouncer. Were do you find the one that is made for the 2200. I would like a bit more water than the one i use. The one i have fits the small zipper pouch that hangs from the top is that were the one made for it goes also.

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I will get the info , and post it I think it is only $23.oo for the bag.

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