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**UPDATED** SCTP State Skeet Commisioners Cup

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Yesterday I competed in the SCTP (Scholastic Clay Target Program) State Skeet Commissioners Cup (championships) and I shot a 90/100, which is ok for me, but good for the conditions yesterday. The others on my squad shot a 92/100 and a 81/100. There is both squad championships and individual, but f you shoot in a squad, then your score when you shot with the squad is your individual score. Our squad scored 263/300, and I figured we needed a 270 to win. We shot at 9am so we had to wait until 6pm to get all of the results. we filled to time and played a lot of cards, frisbee, and football. While we were playing Frisbee, my coach (in pictures) called me over and said, "Don't do anything stupid, you've got a shootoff" (you are tied with another person(s) and you need to shoot more targets to determine your place, they only do thins for 1st,2nd,3rd) so then I stopped playing and started o get into "the zone". When all the shooters final finished at 6:30 pm we started the shootoffs and I was first, so I went up there with my competitor and I looked at a pair ( they make you shoot from stations that you don't shoot doubles on so that it is harder) then I broke both birds. the format is sudden death. so if he misses a bird, I win. that's exactly what he did, he broke the first bird then missed the 2nd. I won 2nd individually! we then went on to the awards ceremony and they presented my with my little 2nd place trophy and the they present my squad with the State Championship! This is my 5th-Consecutive Arizona State Skeet Championship! So to say the least, God has blessed me....


yesterday was a very bright day and there was plenty of burned flesh, including myself, If your kids or you competed yesterday, please tell, I would love to hear!!!


Thanks for reading...


last 3 pics, 1st-Me in shootoff, 2nd- me on station 7 during a round, 3rd- me on station 2






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Great Job Patrick!

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Congratulations Patrick. Like you said, you're blessed to have had someone involved in getting you to this point in life. Kudos to them. Thanks for sharing your championship trophy and your second place finish.


Great accomplishment young man. :)



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What's next, is it that big trap shoot in Sparta, Illinois?

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What's next, is it that big trap shoot in Sparta, Illinois?


Sorry, but I don't shoot trap, but the SCTP State Sporting Clays Shoot on April 19 at Ben Avery is next for me, then maybe Sparta for skeet/sporting clays if we have the money to make the trip.....

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Updated with a couple more photos on the original post. hope you like them


fyi- I shot an 86(in sporting clays) today at our course down here, which is a very tough course and so hopefully I will be ready for the "softer" course up at Ben Avery on the 19th

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