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whenever you open up a eastmans hunting magazine or huntin fool magazine what do you wish the issue should have or should have more of??? comment

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Product reviews & how to's


Maybe a little reloading and shooting info.

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My fear would be they would become just another general outdoor magazine like the rest. I enjoy the hunt focus they each bring to the table, with just a bit of review and how-to.

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I am not too picky about the subject I just usually go to the reviews and the how to sections in all the mags first.


Reloading, scope mounting/care/adjustment, GPS usage, any new tech, cleaning, cooking, travel plans, hunting other states, long range shooting, survival, taking young 'uns in the field. Maintenance on anything vehicle, gun, gear, trailer, ATV's, knives.


Most have been done and I know how I do things but it is always nice to pick up new info, compare notes, get better. Example we all tie our shoes but a few of the backpacking sites have some serious articles on all of the different techniques to tie on a pair of boots and make them fit better, address hot spots, and keep them from becoming untied. Just crossing the laces on the last two sets of eyelets will keep the things tied all day long with no goofy double knots. Who knew and what an insanely simple change.


I think one area where so many of the online mags could do better is having sections on to topics very clearly archived and indexed. This makes a search to find their stuff a giant PITA when it could be a great resource. I spend more time on this site than any because I know where most of the stuff is and we have a lot of people on here that like to help. Other sites that have a contest to see who can tell you to use the search function are a waste of time, you end up with a bunch of threads that have no info that you have to sift through when you do search.


For hard copies I would love to see someone set up their how to sections so the pages can be removed and put into a binder. At the end of each year the magazine can print an index/table of contents. You could also sell an annual how to recap, more money! My dad had folders on this stuff. still has some of the old AZ G&F mag copies and info. I used to pull out all the reloading info when I first got started and keep them in a separate binder for the calibers I use or techniques I thought were improvements. Maybe all this is as easy as having the online version with printable pages that line up with some sort of table of contents that when printed fit in a binder.


Sorry, turned into a much longer answer than it probably needed to be.

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I am not too picky about the subject I just usually go to the reviews and the how to sections in all the mags first.


Reloading, scope mounting/care/adjustment, GPS usage, any new tech, cleaning, cooking, travel plans, hunting other states, long range shooting, survival, taking young 'uns in the field. Maintenance on anything vehicle, gun, gear, trailer, ATV's, knives.


Most have been done and I know how I do things but it is always nice to pick up new info, compare notes, get better. Example we all tie our shoes but a few of the backpacking sites have some serious articles on all of the different techniques to tie on a pair of boots and make them fit better, address hot spots, and keep them from becoming untied. Just crossing the laces on the last two sets of eyelets will keep the things tied all day long with no goofy double knots. Who knew and what an insanely simple change.


I think one area where so many of the online mags could do better is having sections on to topics very clearly archived and indexed. This makes a search to find their stuff a giant PITA when it could be a great resource. I spend more time on this site than any because I know where most of the stuff is and we have a lot of people on here that like to help. Other sites that have a contest to see who can tell you to use the search function are a waste of time, you end up with a bunch of threads that have no info that you have to sift through when you do search.


For hard copies I would love to see someone set up their how to sections so the pages can be removed and put into a binder. At the end of each year the magazine can print an index/table of contents. You could also sell an annual how to recap, more money! My dad had folders on this stuff. still has some of the old AZ G&F mag copies and info. I used to pull out all the reloading info when I first got started and keep them in a separate binder for the calibers I use or techniques I thought were improvements. Maybe all this is as easy as having the online version with printable pages that line up with some sort of table of contents that when printed fit in a binder.


Sorry, turned into a much longer answer than it probably needed to be.

the more detailed the better. thanks !!!!!

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