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Treestandman - Accident!

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Just to let everyone know............ I just got off the phone with him. Yesterday Mike AKA Treestandman went to check his trail cameras. He hiked in about a 1/4 mile to his first stop and checked the camera and also climbed up a tree about 20 feet to check on his stand. When he got up to his stand he reached for the arm rest which broke and he fell to the ground. Lucky for him he only broke his leg, incurred several spine fractures, and dislocated his arm. He was able to hike the 1/4 mile back out to his truck and drive himself to get help. He said the hike out was one of the most difficult things he's ever had to do! I don't doubt it. He's ok and will be in the hospital for awhile, his leg requires sugery but he should make a full recovery.


Everyone here should be sure and tell someone exactly where you will be hunting, and wear a saftey harness if you're climbing a tree!


Ps. As far as I know there were no chute planes involved in his accident :lol:

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Sorry to hear he had an accident :(


Best wishes and get well soon treestandman



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Get well soon Treestandman. My prayers are for a speedy recovery.

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My prayers are with you Mike. I was looking forward to seeing you bring down one of those big fat bucks you had on camera. I know you'll make a full recovery and be back in business next year. God bless, Rich.

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wasn't there someone who fell out of a treestand last year a broke an ankle or his back or something like that? I guess it is a more common occurence than what you think. Didn't even think you could hang a treestand in a mesquite tree let alone get it high enough to hurt yourself if you fell off.


Seriously - sorry to hear about that. Glad he was able to make it out and hope he has a quick recovery. CB

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I will pray for you and I hope you get well soon.

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Mike......dangit......you were supposed to get that nice buck this year!!! I hope you get back up and at em' soon.....especially your back!!!

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wasn't there someone who fell out of a treestand last year a broke an ankle or his back or something like that? I guess it is a more common occurence than what you think. Didn't even think you could hang a treestand in a mesquite tree let alone get it high enough to hurt yourself if you fell off.


Seriously - sorry to hear about that. Glad he was able to make it out and hope he has a quick recovery. CB




I recall that too and for a moment I thought it was Miuke that time too, but I think it was someone else that broke a wrist or arm and had to have it pinned. I bet someone will post who that one was.



Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Remember, them bucks won't wait for you so you better heal fast before someone else finds them!

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I wish you a Quick and full recovery. There is nothing wrong with being bullblindman for awhile.


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