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37A vs. 37B vs. 33 OTC archery

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In your opinion, which of these units hold more deer (if you hunt/scout these areas), not necessarily bigger bucks, just numbers. I've read that 33 has been in decline for quite a few years. Already trying to plan my OTC bowhunt next this year and next (can't wait for August). Hunted 37A this Jan., saw some deer and a few bucks but couldn't put it all together.

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I was surprised to see a few good bucks in 37B when I least expected it this Jan/Feb. I saw them for a flash then they were gone in the flats. It is going to be HOT in that unit for August so I don't think it will be very much fun.

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If your in Marana I'd probably hunt the city unit. I've heard there's lots of deer but I just haven't gotten past the golf courses, mountain bikes, hikes, and the residents. Seen some huge deer killed, heard about alot of bad shots and wounded critters, and have heard about the anti groups in the paved parking lots you'll have to park in to hunt. However, if your cool with all of that then hunt the city unit, huge deer! If not then any of the other choices offer good odds for an archer kill with all the work involved.

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  On 3/11/2014 at 1:57 AM, BackwoodsHunter said:
neither of the 37s are open for the otc tag until next year i believe


Yeah I guess I meant to say can't wait till December/January.




  On 3/11/2014 at 2:17 AM, muledeerarea33? said:
If your in Marana I'd probably hunt the city unit. I've heard there's lots of deer but I just haven't gotten past the golf courses, mountain bikes, hikes, and the residents. Seen some huge deer killed, heard about alot of bad shots and wounded critters, and have heard about the anti groups in the paved parking lots you'll have to park in to hunt. However, if your cool with all of that then hunt the city unit, huge deer! If not then any of the other choices offer good odds for an archer kill with all the work involved.


I thought about that. Thing is, I've never seen a deer driving on Tangerine rd. ever. Never see any by my house either in Marana. Just doesn't seem like they are out there in the suburban areas like whitetails back east would be. I would figure I'd see some crossing the roads at night but have yet to see any. Plus I'd rather not deal with all the yuppies/cyclists if I don't have to.

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I live in marana also, saw these deer just off the road both terrible pictures I know.


Picture 1) was driving home saw him eating on the side of the road, drove past turned around knowing in the dark I wouldn't get a still photo I took a video and then took a screen shot! Pretty big in my opinion


Picture 2) out Infront of my house lighting was terrible so edited to try and highlight the antlers they are both bucks. See lots of deer here



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Read up on the regulations dates for OTC archery hunts. 37A is not open in December it is only open in January. 37B is open December/January. Neither 37A/37B are open in August. Also 38M (tucson city limits) is not open in August, only in Dec/January. 33 is the only unit that you mentioned that is open in Aug as well as Dec/Jan. You are correct, 33 has seen a decline in large buck numbers, due to the fact that EVERYONE hammers the unit for Muley's. However, the fact remains that the overall Mule Deer numbers are not down in 33. There are more doe's than ever, and more smaller bucks, but the Big Bucks are seldom seen because they have been driven out and hunted to extinction. If you are curious about deer numbers in the 37s it is hard to gauge because most deer live in the flats, therefore, it is hard to guess the population totals. Good luck.

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far a few between in the 37's but when you do find a buck he's usually a good one ... lots of miles on your boots

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Both 37's and 33 are hard to find muleys the last few years. I will say that 37b seems to be coming back. Either way tho, usually when you find a buck it's a good one.

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I spend a lot of time in 33 and some time in 37's and without a doubt, when it comes to numbers for muley, 33 is the unit. There is a reason I take my kids with me to go glassing in 33 - because we ALWAYS see deer (bucks and does). My 11 year old can sit behind the glass and pick them out.


I spend 95% of my time in 33 during the OTC seasons. So I might be a little partial.

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