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Our Bighorn Sheep Slaughter Made Fox News

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To even compare the murder of a human being to the death of a sheep is morally reprehensible IMHO.

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I have to wonder how receptive this would be if depredation was only a few sheep. With persistence and predator control we could have a another huntable population in a few years.

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That actually went up on Fox News today so not too old of news. And I guess I should have used the word slaughter instead.

Problem is its NOT only a few. It's A LOT. I agree if it were just a few it wouldn't be nearly as controversial and we could have a huntable population there someday. But fact of the matter is they are Being killed at an alarming rate.

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And Jcubed for someone that doesn't like anything I say I find it very pleasing to see you post on every one of my threads knowing I have pissed you off or annoyed you. Thanks for that.

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/>And Jcubed for someone that doesn't like anything I say I find it very pleasing to see you post on every one of my threads knowing I have pissed you off or annoyed you. Thanks for that.

Lol. You could do neither. The only reason I respond to your factually baseless posts is to prevent some casual reader from thinking they are in some twisted way factual.


Kind of like when you accused a hunter of poaching a large mule deer in southern Az without any knowledge of the situation...


But do carry on...you amuse a lot of us.

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Haha there we go again trying to bring up something completely irrelevant to the conversation. What you didn't see is the 8 PM'S from other guys that say there is a lot more to the story about that buck. You don't see the many PM'S I receive after having conversations like this with people telling me thanks for saying what they wanna say out loud on here. If they don't wanna say it out here that's fine but I'm gonna keep saying it because I really don't care if people like yourself don't like it and try and make azgfd the good guys. Bottom line is I speak my mind and LOVE getting people like yourself riled up. Even if you won't admit it ;) and secretly I think you enjoy it yourself. You can make your points and I can make mine. People can agree or disagree with us but I'll keep it comin'

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I think i hear wedding bells. You just can't quit each other.

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I love this site - because you never know what's coming next.

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If you don't support the AZGFD and the sheep relocation you are a Racist! (Just putting a Obama twist on this)


And its Bush's fault!

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hey, if they're just gonna get slaughtered anyways,


can i slaughter one?

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Does anyone on here realize that by going on and on about this we as hunters are just shining a light on ourselves as a whole. When one of us makes a mistake as hunters should we shine a 20000 volt light on our fellow to show the rest of the ignorant world we as hunters are just worth attacking just a little more. By tearing your fellow hunter or organization down for making a mistake like this sheep release all your doing is feeding the anti's more ammo to attack hunting in general . let a mistake made within our ranks go a little more unoticed maybe instead of fueling our very enemy with more fuel to attack the very thing we love. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the pound of flesh trying to be had here could equal more than a pound of flesh for us all . I'm surprised bone777 and lance weren't on channel 12 news themselves wearing an anti hunter shirt screaming kill the g and f department. maybe they could hook up with the anti's soon to go after the g and f , i'm sure this would do a lot to further the sport we all love.

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