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Ibex depredation hunt

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Good morning...I have been asking questions on the Long range shooting section and thought I would post a pic here. I was drawn to hunt ibex in New Mexico. It was last minute call from game and fish and was a depredation hunt with 2 animals allowed to be taken as long as they were nannies or immature billies. This billy went 14.5 and 14.75. Had to be under 15 inches. I was able to take him at 444 yards. The ibex were very skittish on this hunt as they were being pushed all over the mountain by other hunters. A buddy of mine loaned me his 300 win mag with m4 scope. That set up was incredible so i knew that if an opportunity presented itself within 600 yards I would have a good chance. This billy showed himself briefly with a nannie. They started at the top of the mountain and worked their way down to were I could get a good shot. Not a very big target ar 400 yards but that scope was amazing and I held rock solid on him as he stood briefly and gave me a broadside shot. He went about 64 yards as the hit wasn't great.


My nannie I was flying solo and was able to take her at 275 yards. She was with 3 sub adult billies and 1 billiy that went may be 28 inches. I decided on the nannie as she gave me the best shot opportunity. At the shot I heard a loud crack. Thought I missed her but after heading up the mountain to inspect for blood I found her dead in her tracks. I had hit high and destroyed the forward spine. Great hunt but very demanding!!!


I'm now in a draw for 1 of 10 billy tags for next Feb. There were 150 hunters but they all need to get two animals. No small feit. I know of at least 20 who filled so overall I think my odds are pretty good. Fingers crossed!!!!!!! have a great day, jake



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Congrats! That's really cool. I was hoping to get called for this hunt but nothing. Always next year.


How the heck did you measure that billy at over 400 yards! lol Happy that worked out for you but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have taken that chance.


Congrats again!


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I had enough time to glass this billy as he and the nannie moved down the mountain. I was certain when I took the shot this animal was a legal goat. Anyway it all worked out eh. It was not a guided hunt. I am about to finish with the European mounts I did with them. Looking good so far. My wife is going to put them in her office along with all her other critter parts:). Shes a wildlife biologist and goes to school at times to present the work they are doing on the refuge etc. She always brings skulls and these two will be a great addition for education. ost kids have no clue that there is life on that big ole rock. Thanks for all the feedback. Ill get them posted once I have completed the mounts. Have a great week. Jake

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Congrats. they'll eat good.


Glad it worked out and hope you get drawn.

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Good morning, here are the mounts I did with the ibex. Rumor is that a total of 28 hunters filled their 2 tags and are eligible for the 10 Billy tags. Man that makes odds really good for everyone. Good luck if in your in the draw. Fingers crossed:) Have a great day everyone, Jake



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Hunting Ibex is on my Bucket List. Nice Job!!!!!!!!!!!!

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