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Anyone recognize this tree stand and Camera?

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I guess that's what makes us all different. I surely didnt need the generator by any means and can and always will fend for myself but we surely disagree with the way things are going in this great sport we all love.

The invitation still stands if you change your mind.

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Bownut98, just some advice, to be safe, don't mess with the guys stuff, leave a note and tell the guy that you might be hunting in there and wish him luck, story over guys, just trying to lighten the mood a little too... :)

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Holy spun out of control batman!

When do the draw results come out so people cry or cheer but have something else to talk about?

Good luck everyone, word on the street is results will be posted by ...

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Ya sorry your thread was derailed bownut but when someone comes on here advocating or tryin to justify thievery I can't sit idle... sorry.

Back to the original subject.... heck yeah I would hunt that spot. Unless someone is actually there when you show up you're good!

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I have a treestand in 22 right now and a trail cam underneath it. Due to work, I have been unable to return to collect them. I live 5.5 hrs from the spot and have had 2 days off since jan 5th. If it is not there it has been stolen. Whether it was stolen according to the fs laws or someone stumbling upon it the fact is I was the only purchaser. You never know someone's circumstance, but you do know if you bought something or not. There's no justification in my mind...

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I had 2 more cameras and ground blinds stolen this summer. They left enough gear still there to make it not the forest service. I'm averaging 2 stands a year being messed with or totally vanishing. If everyone thinks these are just a few guys, your drinking cool ade with something special in it. It's a whole bunch of us hunters that are super d bags out there, and i mean a whole bunch, like 20 percent of the whole crew out there hunting has to be stealing all this stuff. You just can't have a few guys cover this much area in the state. I know if your one of the super d bags and you read this it doesn't bother you to hear honest people getting ripped off, but all i can hope is that you step on a rattlesnake in front of my stand and i get pictures of the aftermath. It's unbelievable how many dishonest guys are out there.

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/> Here's an idea. Don't hunt there and leave the guys stuff alone......lol

Why not hunt there??? Explain please, just curious


He can totally legally hunt there. But its kind of nice if you run into a mans favorite spot to leave it to him and get your own. There's plenty of land to hunt in az. I would leave it be and hope a man that finds mine would also let it be and think "wow, that guy has a good spot. maybe if he moves outta here some day I might use it". No worries, its just not how the world works anymore, but part of hunting is the adventure of finding new things and making stuff happen on your own. Not squatting a spot that is obviously being used.

i do believe in respect of others so i would probably move on, BUT if your not allowed to leave your stand or camera's mainly stands to me, for only 72hrs before to 72hrs after a hunt or they will be removed and beconcidered abbandon. whitch is crap, but back to the point the stand should not even be up at this time. so i would detetermind that the spot is back to first come first serve. and please allways remember hunter edicute ! my opinion only

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I've always respected others property in our NF . back to the original topic


just because there is a stand left it a tree/ camera - it doesn't mean squat to me how long its been there - if I see a deer-elk- turkey whatever that I want to harvest or sign that proves a shooter is around the area - I 'll hunt it if I'm there and he isn't - If I'm there first --- he's the one who has to be understanding about first come first serve - doesn't matter if I'm there for the first time and he's been hunting there for 10 fn yrs.


I'm hunting public land the same as him - period


if you leave it in the woods - NF and even G&F will take it legally- thats the law - period

I know where thers stands that have been there for 10+ yrs - its a great spot - if I draw you can bet I'll be hunting there - screw the attitude that stands / cameras left out to " make you think the spot belongs to someone else !


heck I've had razors drive right by me - 4 people on board - I'm walking 3/4 mile to "my " spot on a dead end 1 mile trail - they even stopped and we talked and I told them I had plans of hunting this area just ahead - they said good luck and drove right past me - parked right on the ridge I normally hunt basically scaring everything out of the area . not much I could do, but waste a day and try another time and hope they didn't see anything to want to make them come back.


a tree stand and a camera doesn't give anybody the - this is my spot - you need to go find your own - that's B. S. to me

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If the tree stand was left there for a long period of time I would say it is abandoned and is up for grabs. The cam is a different story. I hate when people think they own a spot. If bust my butt to get to a spot and want to hunt that area, a cam and tree stand is not going to stop me.

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Looks like a stand that I know of in 35A that has been there for years... Hunt away, just leave the other guys property alone...

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The one thing we have going for ourselves as hunters is "the first one to a spot gets the spot" rule. Unless you hunting on private property, no one owns a spot. Doesn't matter if you hang a tree stand and a camera or not; it's still not your spot. Most of our hunts in Arizona are limited draw, so no one truly knows that they are ever get to hunt a spot from one year to another. Yes, I know there are over the counter tags, but to believe that someone should not hunt a spot because there is a camera or a tree stand there is nuts. As far as effort goes, the gentleman that hiked in there and took the picture pretty much put the same effort into the "spot" as the guy that hung the stuff.


Had a guy accuse me of being lazy because I was bear hunting a spring that he had a camera on. Swore at me, yelled, and ranted and raved. It was the last day the unit was open and he showed up at 400pm, walked by my truck and ruined my evening hunt all because he had a camera on a tree. I had been on that spring since 430am and had sat it a number of times during that hunt. Never saw another hunter. Truth be told, I have pictures of him hanging his camera on my trail camera that I put on that spring before he did. I offered to let him share the spring because it was the last night but he would have nothing of it.


One of the spots that I had a camera on last year, had a camera on it and my camera pointed right at it. It was never checked in three months. Like someone said, I know of spots that have tree stands that have been left for years.


Here's a thought. Arizona and other states have a "hunter interference law". The law doesn't state that it has to be a anti hunter. If a hunter finds someone in his "spot" and loses his cool, makes a issue out of it, picks a fight, draws a gun, etc; isn't that breaking the law.


I say hunt the spot; leave his gear alone and if he beats you to it, go to another spot. I don't think that anyone in Arizona can truly believe that there is a spot in this state that has never been hunted before and that you can claim it as your own, just because you hung a stand or a camera on it.



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Let me ask everyone a question. When you go hunting do you leave your gun, ammo, tripod, binos, where you were at to so call claim the spot? I don't think so. Same thing goes for tree stands. I respect if someone is in a spot I want to hunt when I show up I leave but to claim a spot please. If I find a good spot and someone moves in so be it I try and stay in contact and use both our knowledge but this just makes me happy because then it forces me to look elsewhere which usually plays out for me. If I place a camera which I haven't for years then I expect it to be stolen. It is just how it is. Would be nice to not have it taken but oh well. Oh and according to our wm in our area he states that cameras are soon on the lost to be banned because everyone is bitching about 10 to 20 cameras on tanks on the kiabab.

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Let me ask everyone a question. When you go hunting do you leave your gun, ammo, tripod, binos, where you were at to so call claim the spot? I don't think so. Same thing goes for tree stands. I respect if someone is in a spot I want to hunt when I show up I leave but to claim a spot please. If I find a good spot and someone moves in so be it I try and stay in contact and use both our knowledge but this just makes me happy because then it forces me to look elsewhere which usually plays out for me. If I place a camera which I haven't for years then I expect it to be stolen. It is just how it is. Would be nice to not have it taken but oh well. Oh and according to our wm in our area he states that cameras are soon on the lost to be banned because everyone is bitching about 10 to 20 cameras on tanks on the kiabab.


They will claim that the cameras help spread disease...

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The one thing we have going for ourselves as hunters is "the first one to a spot gets the spot" rule. Unless you hunting on private property, no one owns a spot. Doesn't matter if you hang a tree stand and a camera or not; it's still not your spot. Most of our hunts in Arizona are limited draw, so no one truly knows that they are ever get to hunt a spot from one year to another. Yes, I know there are over the counter tags, but to believe that someone should not hunt a spot because there is a camera or a tree stand there is nuts. As far as effort goes, the gentleman that hiked in there and took the picture pretty much put the same effort into the "spot" as the guy that hung the stuff.


Had a guy accuse me of being lazy because I was bear hunting a spring that he had a camera on. Swore at me, yelled, and ranted and raved. It was the last day the unit was open and he showed up at 400pm, walked by my truck and ruined my evening hunt all because he had a camera on a tree. I had been on that spring since 430am and had sat it a number of times during that hunt. Never saw another hunter. Truth be told, I have pictures of him hanging his camera on my trail camera that I put on that spring before he did. I offered to let him share the spring because it was the last night but he would have nothing of it.


One of the spots that I had a camera on last year, had a camera on it and my camera pointed right at it. It was never checked in three months. Like someone said, I know of spots that have tree stands that have been left for years.


Here's a thought. Arizona and other states have a "hunter interference law". The law doesn't state that it has to be a anti hunter. If a hunter finds someone in his "spot" and loses his cool, makes a issue out of it, picks a fight, draws a gun, etc; isn't that breaking the law.


I say hunt the spot; leave his gear alone and if he beats you to it, go to another spot. I don't think that anyone in Arizona can truly believe that there is a spot in this state that has never been hunted before and that you can claim it as your own, just because you hung a stand or a camera on it.




Yes you call the game Theif number and turn him in. If any situation gets out of control make sure you have proof because it will be your word against him. Walk away and call meet up with the wm and tell him everything. They will ticket him and probably arrest him if he pulled a gun or gets phisical they will take away his rights to hunt too for a little time.

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