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Signs you might be a D-bag

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If you bought the rifle to go hunting, which is more than not the case, the tags seem like a bargain. If you were willing to spend 10 times the money on your rifle than a tag and license then somethings not adding up here. Why aren't you calling your rifle company and complaning to them and the government about how much you had to spend on your gun to do the very thing you love which is hunting. The rifle company is the one sticking it to you, not the g and f. Please explain why your not ranting about all the gear companies and what they charge instead of going crazy over the game and fish. Backwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please explain!!!!!!!!!

Hmm a tag lasts one year or one hunt and a rifle will outlast its original owner easily if taken care of. 6 tags equal one good rifle but they expire the rifle does not. I like the rifle argument side more but nothing to get sideways about, just opinions.


And people who treat public land like a drunken sailor in a w#$%house...might make someone a d-bag


Assuming you get 6 tags to go hunt. Pretty sure many of those guns end up sitting in the safe longer than they actually are taken out and used...

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/> Cow tag "Quality"? Are you serious?

Yeah seriously! Have you not seen the eyelashes they grow here in AZ vs. other states?

Being able to see the forest thru the tree's has become rare these days. Guys it's the whole picture of quality i'm talking about here. Of course cows are the same in appearance, but it's arizona's herd over all your paying for, ie;the gene's that cow elk is carrying are much better, the potential is also much better. I wasn't trying to hijack this post i simply made the first one about tag fees, and got jumped on by the paranoid island crew.

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/>You are comparing apples to liverwurst.


A resident cow tag in other states cost a fraction of what AZ charges.





Colorado - $46

Utah $50

Wyoming $43


Somehow, it is 3X more costly for our G&F to run a hunt than these other states.

So go move to one of those states. If you did you would find people complaining that their prices are also too high and that their state's game and fish sucks etc. Happens in every state.

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You are comparing apples to liverwurst.


A resident cow tag in other states cost a fraction of what AZ charges.





Colorado - $46

Utah $50

Wyoming $43


Somehow, it is 3X more costly for our G&F to run a hunt than these other states.


So go move to one of those states. If you did you would find people complaining that their prices are also too high and that their state's game and fish sucks etc. Happens in every state.


The grass is ALWAYS greener....

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I sometimes grunt, call shotgun, and eat the last piece of pizza, but im not a d-bag, so what does that make me???


D-Bag cubed???

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I sometimes grunt, call shotgun, and eat the last piece of pizza, but im not a d-bag, so what does that make me???


D-Bag cubed


well, you are an ultra d-bag just for the soul reason that you are a scumdevil fan!!!

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Well the first page was good... Why did we ruin it with arguments already located in a dozen other posts.


Let the D-baggery list live!

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you might be a d-bag if..........

Lol if your initials are DB?
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you might be a d-bag if..........

Lol if your initials are DB?


that's funny right there!!!

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