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Signs you might be a D-bag

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Wow, tag prices, gooberment waste, and the gooberment, or others telling people how to spend their money. Certainly has stuck a nerve!!!! A little touchy?? But I guess that is a good thing.



In staying on topic. I think calling others paranoid, that pay attention to the sad state we have allowed our freedoms and liberties to come to may also qualify a person for the title.




Take care, Willie

Nobody is telling anyone where to spend their money chief. The only thing people seem to be saying is put your money where your mouth is, and if you don't like something don't buy it, or at least don't buy it and then complain about the very decision you made yourself. As for being paranoid i'm not complaining and moaning over something i love to do, which is hunt , and the costs of doing it. I'll bet that horse costs a pretty penny, why didn't you give the guy heck that sold it to you. Answer, you paid for the horse cause you probably love riding that beauty, nothing more and nothing less. Same reason your willing to buy a tag and a license i suspect, same goes for hunting. Whether your buying a horse to ride or a rifle to hunt with, it's all your decision to make the purchase, not the government's or anything else. i'm not being paranoid at all, just being realistic, but some will always look at the glass half full, those are the paranoid one's in my opinion.

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If you bought the rifle to go hunting, which is more than not the case, the tags seem like a bargain. If you were willing to spend 10 times the money on your rifle than a tag and license then somethings not adding up here. Why aren't you calling your rifle company and complaning to them and the government about how much you had to spend on your gun to do the very thing you love which is hunting. The rifle company is the one sticking it to you, not the g and f. Please explain why your not ranting about all the gear companies and what they charge instead of going crazy over the game and fish. Backwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please explain!!!!!!!!!

Hmm a tag lasts one year or one hunt and a rifle will outlast its original owner easily if taken care of. 6 tags equal one good rifle but they expire the rifle does not. I like the rifle argument side more but nothing to get sideways about, just opinions.


And people who treat public land like a drunken sailor in a w#$%house...might make someone a d-bag

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If you bought the rifle to go hunting, which is more than not the case, the tags seem like a bargain. If you were willing to spend 10 times the money on your rifle than a tag and license then somethings not adding up here. Why aren't you calling your rifle company and complaning to them and the government about how much you had to spend on your gun to do the very thing you love which is hunting. The rifle company is the one sticking it to you, not the g and f. Please explain why your not ranting about all the gear companies and what they charge instead of going crazy over the game and fish. Backwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please explain!!!!!!!!!




Are you saying he shouldn't be able to spend his money as he sees fit???? Or are you demanding he divides his personal pie differently. To Share more with wasteful gooberment agencies, you, and every other son of a gun that feels entitled!!!!





Take care, Willie

Please leave paranoid island for just a second if that's possible. Nobody is trying to tell anyone where or what to spend the money on, please put your money where your mouth is though, pretty please!!!

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You are comparing apples to liverwurst.


A resident cow tag in other states cost a fraction of what AZ charges.





Colorado - $46

Utah $50

Wyoming $43


Somehow, it is 3X more costly for our G&F to run a hunt than these other states.

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AAANNNND once again a fun topic descends into mud slinging and politics.... Those that are complaining about application fees won't give a dang about it when they pull a bull tag. Those of us that say "if you're worried about $13, don't put in" are called greedy and are the reason recruitment is low.

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You are comparing apples to liverwurst.


A resident cow tag in other states cost a fraction of what AZ charges.





Colorado - $46

Utah $50

Wyoming $43


Somehow, it is 3X more costly for our G&F to run a hunt than these other states.


Yes the per unit cost in those states are much lower but how many more units do they have to sell? I would bet that when you combine all the tags/license fees of those states the revenues will far exceed the revenues of AZ G&F.

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You are comparing apples to liverwurst.


A resident cow tag in other states cost a fraction of what AZ charges.





Colorado - $46

Utah $50

Wyoming $43


Somehow, it is 3X more costly for our G&F to run a hunt than these other states.

This has to do with over all quality. Mercedes vs. volkswagon again. I'm not jumping up and down with excitement about tag price increases either, but i do realize that a steak from denny's costs less than a steak from a high end restaurant. Anyone want to guess why, instead of me explaining why?

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it sucks, but price increase is here for good.... END OF STORY!



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You are comparing apples to liverwurst.


A resident cow tag in other states cost a fraction of what AZ charges.





Colorado - $46

Utah $50

Wyoming $43


Somehow, it is 3X more costly for our G&F to run a hunt than these other states.

This has to do with over all quality. Mercedes vs. volkswagon again. I'm not jumping up and down with excitement about tag price increases either, but i do realize that a steak from denny's costs less than a steak from a high end restaurant. Anyone want to guess why, instead of me explaining why?

My guess would be quality.

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To get on topic here:

-Constantly ragging on others. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, just funny to walk around and hear others blatantly being rude to someone they don't even know. Especially have seen this in college kids

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/>Cow tag "Quality"? Are you serious?

Yeah seriously! Have you not seen the eyelashes they grow here in AZ vs. other states?

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