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Signs you might be a D-bag

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You tell other people how far they are allowed to shoot their bow/gun and still be ethical.

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Ok, what's wrong with calling shotgun? The driver always picks the music anyways...

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Complaining about license and tag fees, and then going out and buying the top of the line bow/rifle/binoculars/backpack/rangefinder/spotting scope/game camera/scope/high end hunting clothes/ ect.ect.ect....

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When you compare the price of a rifle that lasts a lifetime to tag that last a week.

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When you compare the price of a rifle that lasts a lifetime to tag that last a week.

I don;t know about you, but my memories last a life time, actually much longer than the rifle would. The memories from that week long hunt, priceless. The rifle just another piece of junk i have to clean. Did you buy the rifle to go hunting, or did you go hunting to buy the rifle?

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If you bought the rifle to go hunting, which is more than not the case, the tags seem like a bargain. If you were willing to spend 10 times the money on your rifle than a tag and license then somethings not adding up here. Why aren't you calling your rifle company and complaning to them and the government about how much you had to spend on your gun to do the very thing you love which is hunting. The rifle company is the one sticking it to you, not the g and f. Please explain why your not ranting about all the gear companies and what they charge instead of going crazy over the game and fish. Backwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please explain!!!!!!!!!

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Guest wdenike

Wow, tag prices, gooberment waste, and the gooberment, or others telling people how to spend their money. Certainly has stuck a nerve!!!! A little touchy?? But I guess that is a good thing.



In staying on topic. I think calling others paranoid, that pay attention to the sad state we have allowed our freedoms and liberties to come to may also qualify a person for the title.




Take care, Willie

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Guest wdenike
If you bought the rifle to go hunting, which is more than not the case, the tags seem like a bargain. If you were willing to spend 10 times the money on your rifle than a tag and license then somethings not adding up here. Why aren't you calling your rifle company and complaning to them and the government about how much you had to spend on your gun to do the very thing you love which is hunting. The rifle company is the one sticking it to you, not the g and f. Please explain why your not ranting about all the gear companies and what they charge instead of going crazy over the game and fish. Backwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please explain!!!!!!!!!




Are you saying he shouldn't be able to spend his money as he sees fit???? Or are you demanding he divides his personal pie differently. To Share more with wasteful gooberment agencies, you, and every other son of a gun that feels entitled!!!!





Take care, Willie

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