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Updated-new pics. 3rd time's a charm-Chiricahua archery javelina

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I had all 3 tags this year, hunted 37B for 3 days archery only, never got within 100 yds of one. The next week, I got my first ever archery kill (javelina) on a trip to Mexico. Then I couldn't go out on the HAM hunt, I stayed home and took care of Julie after her surgery. So I picked up a leftover general season tag in unit 29 and hoped everything went well with Julies recovery. She's been doing good, so off I went down to the Chiricahuas. I've never hunted javelina there, but have taken everything except a mountain lion and a coatamundi. Opening Day I hiked into a canyon 2 miles, on a "tip" from AZGFD. Didn't see any javelina or sign, even found the one water hole in there, but no tracks. Saturday morning I winged it and drove up into another canyon that had an old mine at the end. I glassed for a couple of hours and spotted a herd 600 yds away as the crow flies, across the canyon and 3/4 of the way up the mountain. Climbed up there after planning my route best as I could figure. When I got up there I had lost view of my landmark and wasn't sure if I was on the right ridge. Lucky for me I used some patience, stood still looking and listening. I thought I heard something in the bushes in front of me, where it dropped off a little into a small drainage. Then I saw them, 1 in the bottom of the drainage and 1 right in front of me behind some brush. They were feeding, but I knew there were more, as I saw at least 5 when I first glassed them. I had stepped up on a flat rock on top of the ridge just before I realized they were right there, so I made sure it was big enough for me to get a good stance. I hooked up my release and waited, looking around for the others. I waited 5 minutes or so, then I saw the one in front of me start walking out from behind the brush, so I drew, it stepped into the open and I released my arrow. I hit it a little far back, but it ran in a circle about 30 yards and piled up. Then all the other javelinas ran over to it grunting and woofing frantically, then started coming at me! I picked up a rock, threw it and started yelling and waving my arms. Then they all charged me, woofing, snorting and grunting. I started to panic...I drew my .45 mag, thinking I don't want to shoot any, but I'm not dying over this either! There were a couple of hawgs in that group of 6 or 7, and they're all coming at me! I actually cocked my pistol, and as the biggest one got within 5 feet, I swung my pistol at it and darned near hit him in the head. He ducked and went past me, but they were still right there, woofing, snorting and grunting - heck they were po'd! I kept yelling at them, then they finally moved off. Wow, what a rush! Well, my javelina was a sow, she weighed 46.5 lbs. After dressing her out, 36.75 lbs. So after never having killed with my bow before January, now I'm 2 for 2 and 2 in a row. Lucky for me it's National Margarita Day and I just happen to have lots of them!

Here's a photo from the field;




Meanwhile, back at camp;




Look what I found down the road from camp;



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That a boy Tommy. I wish I could have been there to see the look on your face when all them pigs were about to eat you alive. :lol: Congratulations on your pig. WOW, that had to be an awesome adrenaline rush. Made me think back the first time I ever hunted pigs with my recurve and shot all my arrows and then climbed up on a rock with my bow in both hands ready to knock them out one at a time if they were to attack me. Never was so scared in my life. :lol: Thoughts and prayers for Julie. Hope she's doing fine.



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Thanks everyone! I updated with a couple of more pictures.

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Congrats on your Javelina.....!! If those pigs would of been in camp you wouldn't of had that great story!! Thanks!

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Thanks for the kind words. Yes, being eaten was not on my agenda.

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Awesome story! What kind of 45 mag do you have? I've always thought that was a cool cartridge!
It's a L.A.R. Grizzly. It's a lot of fun to shoot! I took last springs javelina with it in 37B.(story link) http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/38490-javelina-with-a-grizzly-45-win-mag/



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Congratulations on getting it done again! Cool story and great pictures.

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