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Coues Kid

how long do you boil a skull

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Take it out after a hour. Spray it off with the hose then pick off all the stuff left on it then put it back in the boiler. Repeat that process til your happy with it

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You don't want the water to boil.Just let it simmer'

About 15min with two boxes of baking soda. 3 times . Each time I spray it off in the sink. The "meat" winds up falling off

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The longer it boils the softer the bone gets! It will harden after a prolonged boil but will be brittle. Simmer it for 15-30 min then use a pick and brush to get the tissue and brain off. From experience I wouldn't go longer than 1.5 hours total.

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I usually boil mine for about 2 hours. one of them the snout bones came off and I had to super glue them back on.

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45 minutes at a simmer in water with lots of Borax, remove, spray, pick then repeat the process again. Be sure to go through a couple degreasing rounds as well as peroxide.


If this was killed and just sat around ( rather than being frozen) it will take a longer time to boil, but you risk losing the snout bones.

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Its been in the frezzer, boiled it for about an hour or a little longer pulled it out cleaned it off. I was surprised at how much it cleaned off in 1 session I'll do it again in a few days after it dries out.

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Pressure washer will save a ton of time.

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1 hour. Salt to your preference. Stir occasionally while on simmer. Add potatoes and carrots and serve with bread.


+1 to all the above

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1 hour. Salt to your preference. Stir occasionally while on simmer. Add potatoes and carrots and serve with bread.


+1 to all the above


Brain stew mmm...mmmm..mmmmm

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i let mine boil for 8-12 hours (simmer). im never worried about the snout bones or teeth. i just clean them and paint them before i throw them in the back yard somewhere. if it is something nice i would pay and use bugs, thats just me.


ive seen them burried and they come out good as well.

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