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insurance on side by side

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I was quoted 35 a month liability and 45 a month full coverage for my 2012 polaris ranger xp 800. Does this sound high to you? I was wondering if anyone here has better rates they get? Or is this the area it should be? Thanks!


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sounds high to me....i think im around 10 or so through liberty mutual but i have everything through them

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Whats the policy reed? I think if you have full coverage check and see I had to add theft to my full coverage in order for it to be covered incase it was stolen that bumped it up to about $38 a month. I had a buddy that had his stolen and ins didnt cover it he had to claim it on his homeowners ins

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Thanks guys. 100 or so is more around the pricing that i was thinking it should be. Don't use this as much as a vehicle and thought that my quote was steep. Gonna check into some of your companies and see if i can get a better deal. 520hunt that is correct. liability only means nothing in return if something happens. The full coverage would mean it covers everything for the other party and yourself. I will have to check when i find something to make sure theft is included.

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I own an insurance agency and we insure a lot of recreational vehicles. It does appear to be pretty high. Safeco and Progressive are very competitive in AZ.

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