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My Grandfather and his coues

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I'm not sure exactly what year this was, Tucson in the early '60's I'm thinking. I'm pretty sure he took it out of unit 29. Can anyone I.D. the rifle or scope? After seeing that buck with hide on and wrapped in a canvas tarp, it's no wonder my Grandmother hated venison. :)



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I'd say that it is probably some old military rifle by looking at the butt and the barrel length. It is tough to say though without seeing the side with the bolt. I have no ideas on the scope.

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Nice buck. Looks like a sporterized 1917 Enfield, had one like it.

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+1 on the Enfield. My Grandfather had two - one sporterized the other was shorter for my Grandma. 303 British - great round. Google it for some comparison pix. It came in a lot of configurations and was a very affordable rifle at the time. Gotta laugh on the tarp comment - definitely not the best way to keep the meat cool.

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British Enfield was .303,

American made 1917 on the Enfield design was like a Mauser 98 in ,30.06. The one I owned had been improved to .300 H and H

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Here's my old sporterized 1917 Winchester made Enfield. notice how the barrels and swedge look the same as grandpa's in the photo, Also, note the offset scope mount. If memory serves me, my research found only one in 10,000 Enfields came with that mount. Wonder how many krauts that old rifle knocked down?


First time I touched off that .300 HH, it was a cold WA. morning, thought my shoulder was kicked by a draft mule.



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Thanks guys. He'd probably have me by the short - hairs if he was still around for putting him on the Internet.

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I agree on The Enfield. My Dad still has one. Still full military. Fun rifle to shoot. No idea on the scope.


Nice picture. The tarp is awesome.

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Hey-no one's keyed in on the fact the photograph is in color. Had to have been one of the first color film cameras for those days. Wished I knew who took the picture....All the players have passed on unfortunately.

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