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Moving to another state you're not familiar with can be tough on anyone but you have already made the first step easy towards making friends by joining cwt. Besides having some of the nicest people and the best hunting forum in the world, you will fine this site very helpful as you and your girlfriend settle in.


Welcome and I look forward to seeing some hunting pictures and reading how your new cwt friends got you started in hunting our great state of az.




ps..............did you say you were from California? :o :lol: :lol: :lol: ;) jk

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Well I certainly have felt the reach of the man in the last few years. Since I have lived here all my life, Its all I know. With that said, I am VERY excited to live in a state like AZ where a guy like me isn't the outcast in a granola eating society.


Welcome to AZ ,


Since you're fond of firearms and hunting, how did you ever get along in CA? This is a great forum and friendly, too.


On one of my other shooting forums, a fellow mentioned he was moving here from CA recently and was skinned alive by the members.


I have a son moving here from CA soon. He was stationed at Camp Bruno, USMC so he had little choice and can't wait to breath some free air again.


PM me, I'll show you the closest hunting and shooting spots to Glendale..

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Welcome to AZ & CWT. Are you looking for work too? Lots of helpful people here.

And PRDTATR, YES I am looking for work. I wont be moving until July but boy would it be a huge weight lifted off my back if I could line something up. Any recommendations? :rolleyes:

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Welcome to Arizona and especially CWT the best folkes you may never meet. Lot's of great folks here will help answer questions and point you in the right direction, but not their honey hole hunting spots. Check out the sponsers if your looking for gear and other items.


Watch the Wildlife projescts http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/forum/19-wildlife-projects/

and the CWT gettogether forum http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/forum/25-coueswhitetailcom-get-togethers/

for a spot to meet some members.

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