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I was originally going to pull for the Broncos, but after hearing Richard Sherman's inspirational and eloquent post game interview I have decided to root for the Seahawks. Peyton Manning should take some notes from him before taking the podium again. Should be a good game anyways.

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Haha too funny. Hard to believe a 3 year graduate from Stanford with a communication degree uttered that post game interview.

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just goes to show what a degree in communications will get you and how hard they are to get! ha! JK \"/

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If you want a good laugh, youtube the interview and watch the reaction of the reporter. I think she puked in her mouth a little bit. I commend her for getting off a follow up question; I would have just stood there with my mouth open.

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I don't understand athletes needs to make fools of themselves. As a Seahawks fan that was embarrassing but he's not the entire team either. You win your in. No excuses. Been through many years of bad teams, not feeling bad for all the whining from the ones sitting at home takin trash cause there team couldn't make it. Outside of Sherman, not sure why all the hate for Seattle.

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At the start of the NFL season, I picked the Bronco's, and 49'ers making it to the Super Bowl, with Denver coming out on top. The 49'ers should have had that game last night.


Regardless of Sherman's antics, I am an NFC guy, and will be pulling for the Hawks.

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Hoping someone plants Manning into the frozen turf.


How can you not like Manning? He seems like he would be your goofy uncle that would take you fishing, teach you secrets of life, and then order a Papa John's Pizza when you were done.


More annoying - fingernails in chalk board or Jim Harbaugh?


That one is a toss up. Although I have to say in this new NFL where you get flagged for breathing on someone I have been know to stomp around and throw a temper tantrum like a three year old when my team is on the receiving end.

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Hoping someone plants Manning into the frozen turf.



Peyton Manning - All American, country boy, hunter, top 5 all time quarterbacks, doesnt talk crap, plays with all his heart...a true winner and sportsman

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Hoping someone plants Manning into the frozen turf.



Peyton Manning - All American, country boy, hunter, top 5 all time quarterbacks, doesnt talk crap, plays with all his heart...a true winner and sportsman


Got nothing against him. Seems like a standup guy. Just hope he loses. Go Hawks!!

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