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Have I just not found the pigs yet?

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So my 10 year old has his first hunt this weekend in 21. Admittedly I have not hunted pig in 21. I normally hunt pigs down south and have had good success for myself and older boys. I guess my point is that I know their habitat and tendency but I'm frustrated in 21


I have scouted the last three weekends. Of dugas road and also north of dugas toward cordes. No luck and no sign at all. I have glassed for hours. Seen some decent bucks and had fun learning bow hunting


I spoke to a few other guys and they were having trouble in the area too


Worked table Mesa from 17 to seven springs yesterday and it's just to busy for me. Half the fun for me is hiking and glassing with my boys. So even if he doesn't tag I'm fine he will have fun learning but I would sure like to help him at least have the fun of a stalk


So just stay the course in the dugas area? Or am I looking for something not there? Tough to put the time in behind the glass and feel no more knowledgable today than three weeks ago


Not looking for anyone's secrecy spot just that folks know I'm in the right area and I should stay the course



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I would recommend getting one set of canyons off of the main dirt in 7 springs. Should get you away from the traffic and there have always been a lot of pigs in there. We used to hunt a couple miles north of the campground. As you know, most will try to glass from the main road vantage points. 1/2 mile goes a long way. If I could remember any specifics I would share them. It's been awhile. You'll find them. Good luck!

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