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The Art of Hunting

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After reading some recent posts, and thinking alot during my long shed hunting hikes, I've come to an epiphany of sorts. Nothing too out there, just some reasonable, rational thoughts about positive directions a discussion forum can take.


For example, I try to come up with solutions to negative aspects I've encountered or read about coues hunting, such as 'live in thick cover making them harder to glass than mule deer' or 'not enough bucks, too many hunters in my area'.


I must use inference (what I already know) to determine what positive outcome can be made from each particular situation if I wish to be successful.


Personally, I've deduced (come to a conclusion based on inference) that since coues live in thicker cover, I can subsequently stalk closer to them than I would be able to with a mule deer in open terrain. Also, if there are not enough bucks in a particular area I infer that 1) maybe I should move to another area, or 2) I can use the other hunters who are out and about as 'bird dogs' observing their movements as they indavertantly flush game.


My point is that for every negative event we encounter in the field or with game and fish, etc, there is always a way to find a positive result. The art of hunting is, I believe the ability to use maneuver, tactics, and strategy to defeat my opponent, be it the deer, or the fellow hunter. The ability to find a solution is what I believe makes me a better hunter.


here are some random photos of big game I've encountered for your viewing pleasure... thanx for reading!




Photos are of a lazy bull elk in a parking lot in Yellowstone, and a man wearing a horse pelvis.... post-1107-1164776420_thumb.jpgpost-1107-1164776402.jpg

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What is all this positive attitude stuff. What are you a Zen Buddhist? Don't you know a disscussion board is made for whinning and negativity :( . So come on, join the crowd and complain about something.


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