deerhunter Report post Posted January 15, 2014 Uumm....Ya... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coues187 Report post Posted January 15, 2014 Look their was a buck that had a broadhead in his skull in another forum. what does that tell ya. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stanley Report post Posted January 15, 2014 Goodness gracious! This website has morphed into monstermuleys dot com! +1!!!!! Amanda will NEVER let that happen! S. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scooter Report post Posted January 15, 2014 Actually I think this thread has been quite civil. The worst name calling I saw was the "cam hanes" comment and I don't know excatly who and what a cam hanes is supposed to be, but he must be able to shoot pretty far with a bow. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trphyhntr Report post Posted January 15, 2014 Look their was a buck that had a broadhead in his skull in another forum. what does that tell ya. not a darn thing? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scooter Report post Posted January 15, 2014 That "tells ya" not to buy cheap thunderhead knock-offs from Wally World... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Workman Report post Posted January 15, 2014 />Look their was a buck that had a broadhead in his skull in another forum. what does that tell ya. Not to shoot them in the head with a bow. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Becker Report post Posted January 15, 2014 HAHAHA You guys crack me up. Todays bows are far better then 10 years ago. Most top of the line bows are advertised with IBO speeds well above 300 feet per second. At 300 feet per second arrow flight is just 1 sec to reach 100 yards, I doubt very much a deer could get 30 yards away before the arrow got there like someone else mentioned. At 350 feet per second the arrow will hit target at 100 yrds in roughly .86 seconds. Still one second is enough time to have things go wrong. Brings to mind the first shot I took at the buck I took in 2012 with my rifle that I had missed TWICE with my bow. It was 73 yards. Pretty far shot IMO but one that I was very capable of making. The deer was perfectly broadside feeding, the air was dead still, the sun was shinning on him, I was in the shade. He had no clue I was there. I was confident and I chose to take the shot. What happened??? Well that old sneaky wise buck pulled the old matrix move on me "String Jumped" and I missed over his back by an inch or two!!! Should I have gotten closer??? Would that have changed the out come??? Food for thought on what happened to me Even with todays super fast bows you can still perform a pretty neat trick. Most of you probably have seen it on TV and I have tried it myself. Take a pole and attach a piece of card board to it say 15" square, something anyone could hit at that distance. Find a corner of a building or what ever so you can get out of the line of fire. Stick the pole out with cardboard target and have your buddy go back 20 or 30 yards. have him shoot at the target and you with only listening for the sound of his bow and the arrow in flight try and move it out of the way. You can cause him to miss almost every time!!! What does that tell us????? Mostly that it doesn't matter how close you are or how fast your bow is things can go wrong with archery tackle. You can be the best shooter in the world and miss an animal at 20 or 30 yards simply because of their senses and agility!!! Where does that leave us??? Well almost no where. How can all the ETHIC POLICE put tabs on my above topic. When can you take a shot where you "REALLY" know the outcome??? Because that seems to be the bottom factor in all of this topic. I say NEVER. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
firstcoueswas80 Report post Posted January 15, 2014 Let's Not Forget, popCorn Sales Are Rising Based On What SomeOne Might Have Heard.... There Are Allot Assumptions Built Into ThIs Thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattys281 Report post Posted January 15, 2014 I really don't have a problem with a guy killing stuff at 200 yards with his bow, if he's good enough to do it. 134 yards seems kinda long to me, but that's only because I can't hold steady enough to aim with that precision & I frankly do not have the eyesight to see well enough to hit something that far away without some sort of optical sight. In fact, I've been having a time of seeing the spots on my target at 80 yards lately, so I just shoot closer, because that's what works for me. I've recently gotten more involved in rifle shooting & right now, at my skill level, 200 yards looks pretty long. That doesn't make guys that kill stuff at 600+ evil or unethical, it just means that those ranges are currently beyond my personal ability. If it's a true story, then congrats to the hunter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThomC Report post Posted January 15, 2014 I heard that the arrow didnt arrive before shooting time was over. Was that a violation or unethical? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruthunter Report post Posted January 16, 2014 Animals will continued to be wounded at 20 yds and 120 yds. If a guy chooses to take a long shot then so be it. Technology today has made long range shooting easier with moveable sights etc. I've participated in Randy Ulmer 100yd broad head contest the last 2 years and the scores and groups were shooting are phenomenal. I personally have no problem shooting my bow long range but I practice and shoot daily. I think every individual should be there own judgment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
naturegirl Report post Posted January 16, 2014 if i practiced at that far, and was getting decent groups, id fling it at animal no problem. seems like a lot of guys cant make an ethical shot at 30 yards, whats the difference? The difference is the respect you have for the animal you are hunting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nlacost Report post Posted January 16, 2014 What happened to a congrats on a one arrow kill and move on..this thread is dead already,jeez...... 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
THOR Report post Posted January 16, 2014 I have talked with guys back east who only sit in tree stands...nothing against tree stands at all, but most couldn't believe that shots out west were taken beyond 30 yards. The Cam Hanes thing: he works his butt off 9 to 5 then works out and shoots, with him having 3 kids and a wife. I bet you that he could hit a soda can every time at 140! you have to try to be good, but you have to work to be great. Some have that passion and some don't. get on the horse and ride it. Im going to repeat what Becker said, "Technology is so much better now." these are my words, "DONT HATE THE PLAYER HATE THE GAME" Some are just better than others. deal with it!!! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites