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Outdoor Writer

How's about a "Let's Bash The AZG&FD" section ???

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Xnt I understand it is a privately held forum but it is very public in nature in terms of anyone can join and comment and basically say anything they want until they are censored or removed from the forum. It seemed you were implying folks do not have the right to say what they want on this forum.. when really they do have that right (It's the internet), but the owner also has the right to kick them off. I think we agree on this.


Yes flatlander I understand the bill of rights but it's a little off topic in terms of what we are talking about here.


It's pretty simple in my mind. Who cares if someone brings up G&F in a thread as long as it is relevant to the topic at hand. If it's not then don't follow the thread or view the forum if it bothers you. To try to censor someone because you do not agree with what they said is un-American. It's a discussion forum for goodness sake. If someone makes an uncalled for or untruthful statement about G&F you have every right to put them in their place on this forum as well... I'm not saying I don't like outdoorwriter's idea... A separate thread would be a good idea. But that doesn't mean G&F cannot or should not ever again be mentioned in any other thread either. I agree with and understand his intentions of having the G&F topics more organized in one spot... but not sure if that will prevent people from throwing jabs in other sections of the forum.

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Guest wdenike

As long as were at it why not have a section for all those stroking the azgf's ego??? With hopes for a better chance to pull a tag??? Or possibly for big donors looking for their (Kick back ) OH NO I'm sorry that kinda stuff never goes on in government agencys.


As far as one of the posters insinuating everyone complaining are like school girls. Can only speak for myself, there isn't anything that I would say on a forum that I wouldn't say in person. But when it comes to any government agency any common sense discussion will fall on deaf ears, because they all know much more than the common folks. The ship has set sail long ago for them to listen to any will of the people. There is only one thing that will right the ship, and the time clock is ticking. Excuse me now I'm expecting a visit from the NSA. :P



Take care, Willie

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/>Critter do you know what the Bill of rights is? It doesn't guarantee you can say whatever you want wherever you want. It just guarantees the Government can't inhibit that right. What happens on private property or a private forum is not subject to the 1st Amendment.


The 1st Amendment really isn't relevant to this topic. Personally I think if people want to cry about AZGFD that they should start a thread for it. Like BC777 did RE: The Officer whose elk was illegally tagged a while back. Then it's in a spot where everyone can choose to read it or not read it.


These same old debates are getting old. I think I am done for a while.

A topic in a thread is about as much of a chance as you can get to decide to click or not click on it? i.m not sure i follow why people say this.. if i post in some new hate g & f section your still gonna swoop in like mother bird and try to protect them... i just dont see how anyone can argue points i have brought up? you either agree we should all have equal opportunity and g & f should not be able to just add and subtract hunts and sell tags on town or only at office on a whim. if you agree with them it is just totally selfish and your saying crap on the other guy as long as i got lucky enough to figure it out.

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after a lifetime in Arizona i had given them a solid B+ until the deal with Macho B and the 22N bull hunts. now i wouldn't want my kids-or friends- working for azgfd....



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"Hoghunter" What ever happened to self accountability? Do you need game and fish to hold your hand thru the process of buying tags? Do not wait until the last minute, and all of your "problems" could have been solved. This goes for everyone who waited to long to figure out where they had to purchase a new tag for 2014. Come on over to the "right" side and quit relying on people to hold your hand thru the process. AZlance usually brings up pretty sound arguments against game and fish, you on the other hand sound like a big whiner!!!


Go hunting! Enjoy life! It's too short to get all worked up over missing 1 day of hunting b/c of a ,once in the last 20 year, tag change over. Seems like most of your posts have been negative.. 26 is dirty with trash, people shooting across the desert, javelina are going to be shot out b/c of 2 harvest limit, too many donkeys, game and fish hates hunters, list goes on.....

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"Hoghunter" What ever happened to self accountability? Do you need game and fish to hold your hand thru the process of buying tags? Do not wait until the last minute, and all of your "problems" could have been solved. This goes for everyone who waited to long to figure out where they had to purchase a new tag for 2014. Come on over to the "right" side and quit relying on people to hold your hand thru the process. AZlance usually brings up pretty sound arguments against game and fish, you on the other hand sound like a big whiner!!!


Go hunting! Enjoy life! It's too short to get all worked up over missing 1 day of hunting b/c of a ,once in the last 20 year, tag change over. Seems like most of your posts have been negative.. 26 is dirty with trash, people shooting across the desert, javelina are going to be shot out b/c of 2 harvest limit, too many donkeys, game and fish hates hunters, list goes on.....

a deadline is a deadline. Should nfl players quit playing with a minute to go? Mlb walk away with 2 outs in the ninth?
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First WORKMAN you should not send me pm's cussing me out it is ignorant and cowardly! if you can't handle the discussion just stay out of it thx


2nd all i hear from guys standing up for G & F is i/we should shop earlier.. hmmmm. so your fight is saying what they did is ok in your book.?.? careful what you allow to happen on your dime itmay just come back to bite you in the behind gentlemen. :) good luck over next 5 or so yrs and we will see how ya'all feel by then.

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