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2013 December Coues Success **UPDATED** with Pics and Story

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I was fortunate enough to draw a coveted December Coues Whitetail tag in Arizona this year. I have only been hunting for a little over six years, getting my start in archery. This was only my second Coues rifle tag and I must say, this hunt would prove to be one of the most difficult and challenging hunting experiences I have had to date.


A very good friend of mine, Jason also drew a tag and we began our scouting preparation as soon as we received notification of our draw success. We had spent countless hours behind the glass, hiking, locating game trails and bedding areas. We decided to hike in off the main access and put a couple game cameras up on what appeared to be a frequently used game trail. After only a few weeks we had several bucks on film, a few of them we figured would push the 100" mark. This is a picture of a smaller buck that we captured, but we initially determined that he wouldn't make our "hit list" since we were looking for something 90" or better for a December tag. Little did I know....I would see this buck again.




After all of the scouting....all of the planning....all of the preparation, the day finally came. We packed up the 5th wheel and headed to deer camp for a full week! We were like two kids waiting for Christmas morning. The anticipation of what opening morning would bring left me dreaming of monster bucks standing broadside in the rising sun. Finally it was time....game day. We loaded up before sunrise and headed out to our predetermined glassing spot. As the sun began to break through the darkness of night, we were welcomed by a very unwanted guest.....the wind. The only thing that was making the windy conditions worse was the looming full moon that was sure to haunt us all week. Despite the wind and the full moon, the country was just beautiful, and as they say.....a bad day of hunting is ALWAYS better than a good day at work!




We kept in the glass from sunrise to sunset...day after day. We stayed committed to the area we were in because we knew the class of bucks it held. But between the relentless wind and the blinding moonlight haunting our dreams every single day, we just could not get eyes on a shooter buck. They just weren't very cooperative and clearly didn't get to be mature by making many mistakes. So for the first seven days, we hunted hard and put many miles on our boots. We enjoyed the country and the sunsets, but went home after seven long days with only the memories made.




After spending some quality time with family during Christmas, and returning to work for a couple of days (only way I have found to pay for my hunting addiction), we headed back out for round two. This time the weather and moon phase would be in our favor. This time I was able to bring my oldest son Austin (12 years old), who was able to harvest his third deer last month during the Jr. Hunt. So after a short discussion between Jason and I, we decided to split up to try and cover more ground behind the glass. My son and I went to our spot and began to glass. I must say that my son has improved his glassing skills since his first hunt at 10 years old, and I was very happy to have the extra set of eyes. And, of course, I absolutely love spending quality time with him in the outdoors. I soon found myself looking at a buck feeding along a ridge about a mile away. Even though he was far, I could clearly see he was a shooter through my 15's. I was hoping to watch him bed down, but instead he pushed over the ridge out of sight. Between the distance he was from our position, and the terrain between us I figured it would likely take us about an hour and a half to close the distance and try to find this buck again. I knew right away this hike was going to be tough so I discussed it with my son. We agreed that though the hike would be tough, this was the first shooter buck we'd seen in what was now nine days of hard hunting and we needed to try. So I called Jason and let him know we were going after a shooter. We packed up and off we went. We glassed a few cuts along the way and were able to find some does bedded, but no bucks so we carried on towards our objective. Given the last position and direction of travel of the buck we hiked up to a ridge in hopes of cutting him off. We found a great place to glass the large canyon where the buck went into. We had some lunch and shared a few laughs between father and son.


So there I was, glassing this canyon....picking apart every shadow, every twig looking for this shooter buck that lured us to this spot. I whisper to my son "How's it going buddy....seeing anything?". But he didn't answer so I looked over and saw this......




I guess the hike took it out of him and he needed a nap. I chuckled to myself and just watched him sleep for a moment, thankful to have my son by my side on this adventure. Come to think of it... I was pretty tired myself so I got a little shuteye too. After I woke myself up with my snoring....I was back in the glass and so was Austin. We glassed for a couple more hours only finding doe. The sun sure seemed to be in a hurry to set and I knew we only had about an hour and a half of light left. So I told my son to pack it up so we could head to the exact spot where I saw the buck push over. I told him that if we didn't find him soon, we would head back to the truck. So we reached our destination in about fifteen minutes and started to glass. I was in the glass for less than a minute when I found deer. A few does were up and feeding in an Ocotillo field about 200 yards from us. I told my son not to move as I continued to scan the landscape. As I scan....doe....doe.....doe....buck...buck....doe...doe....WAIT A MINUTE.....BUCK!!!!! I looked at my son as he says to me "Dad..you look like you just won a million dollars"! I ranged the bucks....540 yards. I could tell there were two bucks feeding next to each other but I wanted a better look at them so I put my trusty Vortex spotting scope up. Neither of them were the buck that I saw push over the ridge, but I thought they were decent enough knowing neither would break 90"...but I didn't care. I had put the work in, and now had the opportunity to harvest a great buck with my son there to watch me for once. So the decision was made...I was going to take the larger buck which was a 3x3. I looked at the terrain, the amount of daylight left, and the number of does between us and the bucks and decided that there was no possibility of me closing the distance. I had practiced out to 500 yards during the off season so I felt pretty confident in the shot. I got set up while my son kept tabs on the buck I chose. I have to say, my son did such an incredible job keeping track of the buck's position and communicating to me where he was once I was ready. I set my Weatherby .270 on my pack for a prone shot. I find the buck through my Vortex rifle scope, taking a few deep breaths to calm myself... I'm ready. My son says "I'm on him dad, so take the shot whenever you're ready. You got this dad!" I squeeze through the trigger sending my Hornady 130gr GMX down range. I immediately rack another round and try to find the buck in my scope again. My son says "You must have split that hair on his back because you were just barely over him. He's still there, he just moved down and to the left about 20 yards. He's standing there broadside." So I scan down and left. I see the buck, make the adjustment and send the second round downrange......"THWACK"! I could hear the unmistakable sound of finding my mark. My son looks at me and says "DAD...YOU SHOT THE WRONG ONE!" Apparently both bucks moved down and to the left....and both were broadside but only the one I wanted was in my sons field of view. I knew I was shooting at a buck because I could see antlers in my scope...I just couldn't see the details of the antlers. No matter....my shot found its mark 540 yards downrange. We watched the buck stumble 10 yards and begin to roll downhill an additional 20 yards. He was down for good. Though it was not the buck I originally intended to harvest, I was happy nonetheless. My son jumped up and gave me a big ol' hug and said "Nice job Dad...congratulations! That was AWESOME!!!" You know...I have to agree with him...that moment, with my son, was simply AWESOME!


With only about 30 minutes of light left, we hurried over to the buck. As we approached him, the terrain was very steep and rocky. I could clearly see the deer expired 20 yards from me so I unloaded my rifle and headed towards him. I stepped on a rock that rolled out from under me and I fell....and I mean I fell hard. I landed face down onto my rifle hitting my knee on a rock. The pain was nearly unbearable. I just lay there for a moment, trying to assess just how much damage was done. My son rushed to my side asking if I was ok. I sat up, almost afraid to look down at my knee. I took a deep breath and looked....no blood, no deformity, and though it was certainly sore I could move it. My son helped me to my feet where I found I was able to walk and bear weight on it. Whew...that was a close one. I looked at my rifle and found I had taken a chunk out of the turret cover on the top of my scope, but aside from that my rifle looked ok. I took off my pack, set my rifle down, and finally put my hands on this beautiful buck. He was certainly nowhere near the 90"+ that I was hoping for, but I couldn't have been happier and more thankful to harvest this buck.


By the time I gutted, skinned, and quartered the buck it was 7:30pm and pitch black. My truck was 1.5 miles as the crow flies according to my GPS. So I loaded my sons pack with my binos and spotting scope, then loaded my pack with the deer. My knee was throbbing, but we began the trek back. My friend Jason had maneuvered to where I was parked, but we determined that it was best if he just stayed put and waited for us since it would be very difficult to find us in the dark. So we hiked...up and down the canyons and hills. The pack out took us 3 hours. I have been on many hikes in my life; as a firefighter and Technical Rescue Technician I have hiked people out of mountains further distances than this. But this hike was one of the most exhausting and difficult things I have ever done in my life. I had no doubt in my mind that this hike was just as difficult for my son....but you know what? He did it. He never once complained. He never once wavered. And he continuously checked on me and encouraged me. He doesn't know it, but I shed a few tears during that hike. Not because of the pain in my knee or the overwhelming exhaustion. Those tears that fell were full of 100% pride. I could not have been more proud as a father....as a man....than I was of my son that night. What an amazing experience for both of us....I will cherish it forever and I will never forget it.




To my son Austin, I love and cherish you, your brother, and your beautiful mother. I am so very proud of you and I am thankful for the memories we all have shared, just as I look forward to the ones yet to come.


To my good friend Jason Bowden. You are an amazing friend and an equally amazing hunter. I could not have chosen a greater person to share this hunt with. Thank you for sharing the adventure of the hunt, the laughs around the campfire, the memories we will take, and of course for introducing me to lemon lime beer salt and Tecate! Can't wait to share more hunting adventures with you.


Here is a picture of my son Austin with his Mule Deer harvested last month, in the rain, on the last day he could hunt. He made a great 470 yard shot!



Here is Jason's buck (posted with permission). He glassed him up bedded in the morning hours, made a great stalk and an even better 400 yard shot to harvest this great buck in the final days of the hunt.







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Great story, I really enjoyed reading it. Congratulations to you and Jason and your son. Even though you didn't tag the buck you were after you found success in being with you son, friend, and the great out doors.

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Congratulations to all 3 of you. That is a nice buck even though it was the wrong one. Nothing better than making memories with family and friends outdoors. Love the story and pics! Nap time is my favorite. Hope the knee is doing better!

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One of the best write-ups all year azffhunter!! Awesome that you're getting your Son out there with you. Congrats on a great deer and your Son's buck as well. Thanks for the post!

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Awesome....!! Congrats to all the hunters on their fine Bucks!! When I read your story, I felt like I was there!! Isn't that just great to treasure those moments with your son!! Those memories can never be replaced!!! Thanks for sharing and thanks for your dedicated service!!

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