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Thx for the kind words.


Opening morning at first light, Tammy spots a ram in the first 10 minutes of glassing. The ram is about a mile away right next to the road. We drive over and watch the ram for a couple hours. He'd bed, get up feed a little bed again. All within 200 yards of the road. We age the ram, likely a 7 year old. Seems short horned and we have aspirations for a class IV sheep. We figure we can do better, Tammy passes the opportunity. This sheep was broomed on both sides. His left horn was broomed to a very sharp point which we thought was cool. Never saw him again. Later in the hunt we had a ram drought and were second guessing the decision to pass on this ram.

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Nice ram, congrats! Any pics of the one that got away?

No pictures, ram was about two miles away, the mirage was terrible. That and we were scrambling to get after him.

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