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ASU beats Texas Tech

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Lance, you should talk to Amanda about switching the name of this website to "nogalesnorthbasketball.com" because apparently that is all you want to talk about.






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Goes in cycles. Excluding ancient history before most of us were born, Arizona went 13-3-1 from 1982 to 1998 including 8-0-1 from '82 to '90. Can you imagine, 5 consecutive classes didn't sniff a win in any of their 4 years.


Tomey era ended in 2000 and Mackovick completely sunk the program into a nuclear deep freeze. Stoops took over in '04 - '11 w/ the first 2 years being extremely tough on rebuilding. He eventually wore out his welcome, but now we have a renaissance with Rich Rod.


Realistically, I figured we'd close out the year with win against WSU and losses against UCLA, Oregon, and ASU. Arizona laid an egg in the WSU game ... figured the season was over. That was before we shocked Oregon. Denker played out of his mind and we obtained our signature win for the year. Start to finish, Denker improved as much as anyone this year. I think he had a huge letdown after the Oregon game. Would I trade the Oregon win for an ASU win? Meh, not sure. Always nice to beat your rivals, even better to win both those games, but we aren't remotely at that level yet. Ideally, it shouldn't have, but I do think it affected the preparation for the rivalry game.


You can hang your hat on that one more year. We didn't even get a moral victory. But I love the direction that we're going having done more with less, and now that we're getting better talent into the system, it'll be interesting to see how it all develops.


2012 - I thought we had a decent shot, but our defense was horrible. Matt Scott was dynamic.

2013 - With an improved D, I didn't think we had much of a shot b/c Denker is / was inconsistent.

2014 - Go Cats!

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Ok, the devils beat the Cats, I'll give you that, but now lets talk about the games that they played after that one. The Cats won theirs very convincingly while the devils had two chances and didn't bother to show up for either one. Pretty poor I'd say, but go ahead and keep waving that cup in the hope that everyone across the country will forget how they layed down and gave up in the games that really meant something.

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ASU fans will be clinging to that 58-21 win for years to come. "Remember when ASU beat the U of A..... 58-21? BLAH.....BLAH....BLAH........Remember when.....BLAH.....BLAH.....BLAH.........."


God forbid what we would have to listen to if ASU had a number 1 ranked basketball team.

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Holiday bowl did not mean anything.


Beating UCLA on the road to wrap up the Pac12 South Championship meant something.


Beating wannabe rival nogales north meant something.


Losing to Stanford meant something. I would not say they layed down. Still did not have their starting running back and then their 2nd string running back went out in the 3rd qtr. how many games would nogales north have won without kadeem? hardly any.


Losing to TT did not mean anything.

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"Remember when ASU won the Pac12 South Championship in 2013?"




"Remember when nogales north went to the Rose Bowl?"


"umm, no"

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Outside of the PAC 12, the rest of the country only remembers that ASU got its rear end handed to them in a bowl game. Stanford, UCLA, and Arizona games are meaningless. Arizona, on the other hand, left the rest of the country with the memory of a great performance by a team on the rise.

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Serious question.... does anyone in this thread actually believe that "the rest of the country" watched either bowl game?


Nobody besides us could give a crap about anything football related in AZ and it will stay like that until one of the teams gets to the next level. ASU was close but just not quite there.


And pounding your chest because you beat a crappy team does need not somehow make UA a better team than ASU this year. Nice try though

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That video is awesome. Someday maybe ASU and U of A can make a similar video for their football teams. Both schools are second tier teams and instead of touting their accomplishments on a national level, the are relegated to comparing themselves to each other...big eye guards on those spikes.

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U of A clearly spends all their money on the basketball team. They rented a local band for their bowl game as they didn't want to pay for them to travel.

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