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Fish Netting in Urban?

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So while at a stop light at Queen Creek/Price I saw a guy walk up to the pond with a bucket. He pulls out a net, straightens it out and gives it one big toss into the pond. I point this out to my buddy and we start laughing. WTF is that guy doing. "I hope he pulls in a bunch of trash and a boot" I say. Then we eat our words. He pulls the net in and it is filled with fish! He dumps the net out in his bucket, grabs it and starts walking back to the parking lot. There had to be at least 8 fish in the net. All in the time we were stuck at a red light.


Now is this legal? Talk about catching your limit in under a minute.


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What type of fish were they? As far as I now you can only net minnows and non-game fish. Also the net can't be any bigger than 3ft diameter.

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What type of fish were they? As far as I now you can only net minnows and non-game fish. Also the net can't be any bigger than 3ft diameter.

Couldn't tell for sure from the stop light. They were the kind that flop around as a couple didn't make it in the bucket. They looked like Bass and not sunfish or Crappie by the shape and size, maybe carp? The net was about 3ft in diameter.

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What type of fish were they? As far as I now you can only net minnows and non-game fish. Also the net can't be any bigger than 3ft diameter.

Couldn't tell for sure from the stop light. They were the kind that flop around as a couple didn't make it in the bucket. They looked like Bass and not sunfish or Crappie by the shape and size, maybe carp? The net was about 3ft in diameter.

Could they have been trout, they are being stocked this time of year? Either way they except carp are not legal to be seined or taken by throw net.

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Could easily have been trout. Didn't know they stocked Ocotillo ponds with trout.

Are they part of the Urban lake program? I don't fish up there so I don't know all the lakes up there.

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What type of fish were they? As far as I now you can only net minnows and non-game fish. Also the net can't be any bigger than 3ft diameter.

just an fyi its 3ft radius

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About 25 years ago, a buddy and I pulled a 20 foot minnow seine in the Kiwana's Park Lake in Tempe. We caught tons of "minnows" and a few bluegill before the horse patrol galloped up and asked us to leave. That was before the stocking program was in effect.

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About 25 years ago, a buddy and I pulled a 20 foot minnow seine in the Kiwana's Park Lake in Tempe. We caught tons of "minnows" and a few bluegill before the horse patrol galloped up and asked us to leave. That was before the stocking program was in effect.

I am surprised you did not pull up Jimmy Hoffa from that cesspool.

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Ocotillo lakes are not on the Urban program. Most of the fish in there are carp and talapia. Not too many people realize that most of the water used in those lakes is effluent water. Treated waste water. I just hope the guy didn't "relocate" those fish into an Urban lake that is down the road aways.

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About 25 years ago, a buddy and I pulled a 20 foot minnow seine in the Kiwana's Park Lake in Tempe. We caught tons of "minnows" and a few bluegill before the horse patrol galloped up and asked us to leave. That was before the stocking program was in effect.

We did the same thing in the LowerRiver when I was a member of a local Tropical Fish Club. Most of what we caught were Green Mollies.

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it's illegal to transport live sport fish.

it's illegal to use live bait fish caught in one water and transported to another body of water.



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