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2 for 3 Ain't Bad (100" Buck)

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This year my dad, brother & I got lucky enough to draw 3 december coues tags. We've hunted this unit for 15+ years, but never had the privilege of hunting at the same time. We typically hold off going the opening weekends, and save our hunt for the time between Christmas and New Years, this year was no exception.


The first buck we were lucky enough to harvest was my dad's. He got into camp Friday afternoon after working his butt off the previous month. We went out early Saturday morning to 3 different spots, and right as my butt hit the rock I would be sitting on all morning, I heard a shot come from my dad's direction. I turned on the radio to hear my dad say he had taken a really nice buck, but until I got over there, I didn't know just how nice.












We didn't officially score it, but the guesses from people who stopped by camp had it at anywhere from 100-109". He has a lot of mass, and some cool junk. It's my dad's largest buck, and for all the time he's put into hunting these ghosts, no one deserves it more.


The second buck taken was mine. On Monday morning we went to a spot a little NW of where my dad got his, and right at first light, this little 3-point stepped out at 300yds. A couple shots later, and he was on the ground too. I never like having to do follow-up shots, but sometimes it's out of our control. I'm just glad the buck is in my freezer instead of off wounded somewhere.






My brother unfortunately didn't see many bucks at all, let alone get a shot. We all had a great time though, and it was a heck of a way to finish 2013.


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Very cool! Congrats to you and your Dad on some nice bucks. It's awesome that you all got to hunt together. You're a lucky man in more ways than one.

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Congrats on 2 Nice Bucks! Time in the fiels with family is the Best! Hope you shared some meat with your Brother.

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/>Is any one else gonna address the elephant in the room?

Lmao! Love the pics and great job guys!

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Bill? Is that you? OMG!!


Edit: After re-reading this thread is your dad Bill? Is that you Jason?


Holly crap.

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What a way to end the year is right. Congratulations on you and your dad's bucks. That buck of your dad's is a beauty. You are blessed to have the opportunity to hunt with your dad and brother. Can't wait to see what this year brings to you all. Thanks for sharing. :)



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Bill? Is that you? OMG!!


Edit: After re-reading this thread is your dad Bill? Is that you Jason?


Holly crap.


Looks like Tight Guy to me :)

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