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**Lets here your thoughts about new paper tags AND tags being withheld till jan1. :)

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/>Sounds to me like hawg needs to get her size 14 panties out of its wad and go worry about filling the archery tag that she had lost a day or two of hunting since whalemart couldn't sell tags till after the new year.. Like workman said, shoulda been a tad more proactive and not waited till the last minute!

As i said before i purchased all my tags on time and was hunting Jan 1st. pantie talk nancy talk all the stuff true men say in discussion.

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/>:-O size 14?

I think that is reference to my boot size which is now sz 15 so not so accurate their either they just dont read all the way through things before they post trash.


it is unfortunate more guys that got the shaft do not jump into discussion but i know many thiknk they will never get drawn again if they speak up.. G & F is following these comments so if you have something constructive to say just say it.


Yes workman a reminder next november would be swell but ya never no what this years deception may bring our way. o_O remember the vast majority of who did not get tags are probably newer hunters relying on past few yrs experience or printed regulations and who probably are not on hunting forums like this one but just guessing with that. if i continue to hunt i will obviously have to change my New Years Eve tradition of going for tag around 6-8pm and possibly adopt your model way of driving the jalopy to town month early for tags and just accepting what they give me and what they take away without warning. it would be nice to have a more constructive talk about the g & f issues but as i have stated when adults are selfish and could care less about the rest of the hunting community not much good willcome of it. workman you have said stupid senseless things and cussed me out in a pm but if you can justify g & f and their actions please chime in when you get off floor from that temper tantrom. thx

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