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**thx game and fish for the convenience of 1 tag purchase location

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Good hunting for the select few that got the OTC tags already then. Just printed my 2014 license, and will have to wait to get my archery OTC tag till next week. Bummer

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/>You Sure can, butcher hook in Tonto basin is selling them today.

Well G&F said nobody aloud to sell till the first for whatever reason so chances are someone didnt get memo or possibly for some ignorant reason we got screwed in town while outside town things went as every other year but speaking for the non stop line of guys in G&f today nobody had them in town.. G&F had us by the nads and many procrastinators will miss tomorrow morn and possibly bit more.

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AZGFD doesnt care about us. they only care about stocking trout, selling licenses, building new facilities, buying new trucks. do the people on the commission even hunt or fish?

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/>AZGFD doesnt care about us. they only care about stocking trout, selling licenses, building new facilities, buying new trucks. do the people on the commission even hunt or fish?

They sure are making bank oln the two pig in calendar year deal.. i would be suprised if all leftover did not sell out today! i really wish everybody would protest-picket-sign petition anything.. quit hunting for a year.. we keep buying and they keep stickin it to us and some at the cost of our critters. :(

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/> You Sure can, butcher hook in Tonto basin is selling them today.

Well G&F said nobody aloud to sell till the first for whatever reason so chances are someone didnt get memo or possibly for some ignorant reason we got screwed in town while outside town things went as every other year but speaking for the non stop line of guys in G&f today nobody had them in town.. G&F had us by the nads and many procrastinators will miss tomorrow morn and possibly bit more.


Well I am happy that "many procrastinators will miss tomorrow morn and possibly bit more."


I think that John Wayne said Life is tough but if your stupid it is tougher. :rolleyes:

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True, but it really sucks. It was very clear on how to obtain tags. Let's just hope this mess is only for this year and hopefully we can all recoup from it. Now on with opening day success story!! I'm holding a little red right now ;-)

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