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First Coues Down!

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Finally tagged my first coues last Sunday, and I couldn't be happier! What a great early Christmas present!


Hunted for 6 days prior to taking this guy on Sunday. Saw quite a few bucks, and passed on several nice bucks opening weekend. Just wasn't ready for the hunt to end, so I figured I'd try and hold out for something a bit bigger.


Sunday morning I got a late start, as the area I had originally planned to hunt already had hunters. Decided to try a different area that I've only hunted one other time. Parked the truck and hiked my way up top and was set up glassing by about 7:45. Couldn't have been 15 minutes later and I glassed up a nice 3x3 feeding with a couple does. Watched him for quite a while, and decided he would be a fine buck to harvest. Got the rifle all set up and ranged him feeding behind a tree at 502 yards. Settled in for the shot, and waited for him to step out from behind the tree. Suddenly he bursts out from behind the tree and takes off running! No way he could have seen or winded me! Then I realized he was actually chasing another doe that I hadn't noticed, and out steps another buck. Watched them for quite some time, as they were chasing those does in circles. Hadn't seen this much rut activity before, so it was really neat for me to watch.


Eventually the two bucks decided to give the does a break, and fed together in and out of the trees. I tried my best to field judge them with my Swaro 10's, and eventually decided that both were nice 3x3's, one having slightly more mass than the other. Either of them would be a trophy for me.


Ranged them again at 450 yards. Estimated the shot angle to be roughly 30 degrees uphill, and made some quick adjustments. Got my rifle set up for the shot, and bounced back and forth between my glass and my rifle, waiting for a good shot opportunity. I was alone, which made this a bit more difficult. The bigger of the two provided a broadside shot, but the smaller one was slightly in front of him - too close for comfort. At that point I remember telling myself, whichever one makes the first mistake will be my first coues. The smaller of the two soon made this mistake, stepping out into the open providing a nice broadside shot. Let my 150gr .30-06 ballistic silvertip fly and the rest is history!


Finally reached him about 30 minutes later. Tagged him and got out my camera to take a few quick pictures, but of course, the fully charged camera I had packed a week earlier was now dead! Fortunately I had my phone with me, and was able to take a video instead.


I couldn't have been happier to have this experience. I was on cloud nine the rest of the day, reliving the morning's hunt that I had dreamed about for so long.


Decided to process the deer myself for the first time. I'm glad I decided to do this, and I learned quite a bit. Don't think I'll pay a butcher to process my deer anymore, as the butchering experience further added to the gratification of the hunt. Even made my own jerky, breakfast sausage, italian sausage links, jalepeno and cheddar summer sausage, and deerburger!


Read some great reviews on Arizona Wildlife Designs in the forums here, and decided to have my buck shoulder mounted. Looking forward to the mount! Forgot to measure him...any guesses?


Can't wait to get out there again in January with my bow!


View from my shooting position. Buck was located at the top of the far ridge.


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Hey that's a good buck and a great story . Thanks for sharing.

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Excellent!! Really enjoyed the pics and the story! Thanks for sharing! Nice buck!! Congrats!!

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Good job, great story and pictures! Congratulations on your first coues.

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What a dandy! Congrats on a beautiful buck! What unit was he taken in?

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congrats on a sweet looking buck...

I'm gonna guess 83"



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Appreciate the congratulations guys. He was taken on Ft. Huachuca in 35A

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