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Jesse Jackson

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Proud to be extremely conservative. Dont fall for the looney lefts attempt to convince you that conservative = racist. Its the only recoarse they have.

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This country grows weaker with every passing day because of too much tolerance. A house divided cannot stand, and neither can a society that has no common values or shared belief system, regardless of what those beliefs are. Aristotle said "tolerance is the last virtue of a dying culture." He had it right 2300 years ago and it has been proved over and over throughout history yet you moronic liberals still feel you can think your way into a higher station than the short sighted barbarians by spewing forth your sentimental rhetoric, but really all you're doing is regurgitating the same ideas that never worked before. This country was founded on hard work sweat blood and integrity. Those values have gone down the crappier with the break down of the family unit, and that break down is a direct result of over tolerance which by very definition means people can be or do whatever they want. Society is stronger and safer when the people in it fear the judgement of the rest of their group, their peers that is not their government. Without that you have no community just a bunch of people living next to each other.

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@joedeen - don't confuse racism with a dislike of Muslims....or did you forget about 9/11? Many nations are Muslim, and I am not singling out race. Race has nothing to do with it. Disliking a religious group that basically hates Americans is my choice, not a racism factor. No, I have much intolerance for American hating groups, and, or, religions. Come back and tell me how you feel, if they kill your family, or friends. Then we will talk about intolerance.


Wow! Don't twist my words man. Who said a thing about extremists that wish death on America? Would I feel differently if muslim extremists killed my family? WTF are you talking about? The cancer is to cast such a broad net, which is an act of extremists on both sides. It makes for a closed mind. Not all Muslims want to kill America or Americans. That's just an ignorant statement. And I don't know how the heck gays got involved but I know plenty of people who are gay that also know that it's not for me. It isn't for me to approve of. It's their life. Live and let live. Be like Jesus. Show some tolerance of the people in your community. And please don't paint me as a bleeding heart liberal who hates guns, and God. I certainly don't identify or agree with the liberal agenda when it comes to most things. But I do try to keep an open mind when it comes to solving our problems. An ultra conservative would believe that a liberal hasn't ever had a good idea in their life. Can you not see that progress is impossible with that mindset?

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Wow could you please throw out a little more Nazi style propaganda? This is unbelievable.I'm not even close to liberal.the real problem is the extremist can't pull their heads out far enough to see that they are the problem.the core of their claimed views is Christianity right.read the above posts.sound christian to you? Do you think Jesus would agree? Not even close.you say integrity is dead then preach fear hate and judgement as the right thing to do. The hypocrisy makes my head spin.hate to break it to you, but not all the hard work sweat and integrity that built this country didn't come from white christians, and they deserve the same rights and freedoms that we do.don't get me wrong, I am in no way attacking conservatives, or anybody for that matters. But the extremists, right or left, just scream hypocrisy and ignorance.some people just don't get it.

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You're right, ' racist' dosent cover enough.bigoted would be the word for you.

And if you cast that same broad net over a sample of american citizens, you might catch a few drug dealers, child molesters, or murderers.heck maybe even a lone wolf terrorist....but the vast majority are good people.so by your rationale shouldn't you hate Americans like you hate Muslims? ..Just something to thing about...

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I hope I draw an elk tag this year. What are you all putting in for?


Glad you brought that up. I gotta remember to do the app this weekend.

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Guest wdenike




Not that ya need any help. But seeing we already got side tracked and veered away from that POS Jesse Jackson. I would like to ask all of the tolerant blind liberals. Have ya all been paying attention to a dam thing that is going on in this country. I don't have time to educate ya. But I'll touch just a few things. National Debt, Moral Compass, ect. ect. Has it dawned on any of ya that everyone wants to be anything but American first. Your heritage is very important. And should never be forgotten within your family. But when ya decided to come here. Ya dam sure better be riding for the brand or get the heck out. Also have ya noticed these TOLERANT SOULS with the biggest mouth for tolerance. Also have the biggest mouth for being the least tolerant of your Hunting, fishing, and second amendment rights. Well, in case your wondering what the question being asked by real Americans is. We are wondering. As screwed up as all these fine tolerant individuals have made this country. When the masses have said enough is enough. WILL OUR MILITARY TURN ON IT'S CITIZENS?????? Their was a time most would have said no way. As the military is already equally fed up with POS politicians. Well in the name of tolerance we are now allowing turbans and beards in the military, as long as we are on the wonderful religion of the muslims. Well again I say in work places all over the country there are dress codes we all have to adhere to. And your telling me in the best country in the world, and in the most prestige's military in the world we are going to start kissing every ones arse. Well to this I say when your religion teaches America is the enemy. It becomes very easy for these people to turn their guns on Americans. Bring them all into the military after all we have to be tolerant!!! Fits right into the program. Wake up will you tolerant Einstein's!!



Take care, Willie

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