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22N Dec hunt success

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Sorry it took so long to post but the site was down. Well here it is been wait all year it has been 5 years since I had my very own bull tag. I drew 22n north knowing this would be one of the hards hunts that I would embark on. It all started on wed. When got of a 24hr shift 8 am hit the road for 5hrs arrived in Payson and it was snowing up on the rim. Made camp and met some new friends which was nice since I was solo. Next day did some scouting and found some bulls all shooters since all I really wanted was meat for the freezer. Thursday afternoon talk to backwoodsjeeper an outstanding friend I met on the site, Thanks again my friend! That evening I glassed up several large bulls(8) one of them was a toad for sure when you see he is a bull and your a mile away you know he is big. That night called my wife and told her to send up my daughter’s boyfriend because I was going to put him to work. The next morning I hooked up with and fellow hunter and friend I met up there with our work horse in tow i.e. daughter’s boyfriend. We headed up to towards the rim on foot in the dark. Just as the sun started to come up we finally made to where we thought they might be and the world war three rang out. ELK were below the rim and moving hunter that were off the control where shooting. It had to be 1500yrds. The first One I seen was the big boy ranged him and my range finder came back blank well out of my range. The next one behind him range 660yrd I rested my 7mm rem mag across my work horse and shot 1st shoot hit in the chest and broke the shoulder on the opposite side just missed the heart, 2nd shot hit behind the vitals and he was still up and moving 3rd miss, 4th hit then I was out. Then my friend that I met up there said he had a shot told him to take it he did and the bull was still moving. Then all of sudden the bull turned and end over end down a hill he was finally down must have been hit. He was down but not in a good spot. It took 12 hours to pack him out and it almost killed my work horse but he is always expendable LOL! Thanks to all the friend who made this hunt a joy Backwoodsjeeper, Josh, Brian and the horse. PS this was my work horse first hunt Cali boy we did send pics to his mom that should be a good topic at Christmas dinner.


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Congratulations and thanks for sharing. Good eat'en for the Holidays.



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Thanks guys! iam happy and so is the fam we will have elk meat for the freezer kids love it

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Great job. Good bull also. Was a very tough hunt.

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Congrats on your bull!

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Glad you tagged out! happy holidays!

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