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cast bullets

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Any bullet casters out there? If so, I have a few questions.

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muledeerarea33 helped me out a lot (thanks again). I was able to cast my first few hundred bullets and they came out pretty good. i also had a few mystery ingots. i broke a chunck of one of the mystery ingots off and threw it in my rcbs pot which was about 1/3 full of lead. the mystery ingot started to melt at about 750F. long strory short, after doing some more research, im pretty sure my mystery ingots are zinc. now my pot has a bunch of lead zinc alloy in it and its a mess. any ideas on how to clean it out. my best idea so far is just keep scooping it out then try to unplug the spigot with a wire.

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Yikes! Zinc is not friendly to a bullet caster. It doesn't sound as if you've wasted too much pb. Some people will not throw it all away, but take the contaminated lead and use a tiny amount at a time mixed with a full pot of good pb. If it is not a bunch of lead, I'd get rid of it and that ingot that it came from. I try not to complicate things much with my casting, so messing with that stuff would just detract from an otherwise enjoyable operation.

What caliber are you casting for?

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Right now I'm casting 38/357 and 44. I need to get something to size them with. The lubrisizer press would probably be better but its more expensive. The Lee dies the screw into my rock chucker with liquid lube are only about $20.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 12:58 PM, Blade said:
Right now I'm casting 38/357 and 44. I need to get something to size them with. The lubrisizer press would probably be better but its more expensive. The Lee dies the screw into my rock chucker with liquid lube are only about $20.

The Lee sizing system is great. A little messy maybe, but it works and very cost effective. I use the Lee system and an RCBS Lubesizer. I like both systems and both have their merits.

I load for the 44 mag, 444 Marlin, 22-250, 30-06, 30-30 and 38, but I only use cast in my 44 mag, 444 and 30-30.

For 44 cal bullets, I have 7 molds that I am working with. MM 187gr, MM 237gr, RD 432-240, RD 432-265, NOE/RD 432-300, RD 432-350 and MM 417gr. The "RD" bullets are Ranch Dog bullets and the MM bullets are my designs that I created on the program at


I size my 44 cal bullets to .432". Before you buy molds or sizers, make sure you are getting the right size for your bore. It is commonly held that you size .002" over bore size.

Tomorrow, for Christmas, I am doing some terminal ballistic testing with some 44 cal bullets. Anyways, if there is anything I can do to help, feel free to ask.

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i would love some info on getting started in casting, i reload no and would love to cast for my 30 30 and 45 colt. anywhere i could do some research would be great thanks.

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I got the zinc cleaned out of my pot yesterday. I also scored about half a five gallon bucket of wheel weights this past week. I was surprised how much the the volume decreases once you melt it down. I also had an idea about powder coating bullets. I did a little research and there are quite a few people already doing it with good results. Has anyone ever tried it on here? I will probably try later on down the road.

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Ok I received my Lyman book and man oh man am I in trouble, I should have never ordered this thing, I read it all the way through the fist day and have stated welding up a new cast bullet making bench with wheels for the garage. LOL My wife may not see me much this year. Thanks alot guys, I or maybe she will blame you all for this. Kidding

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Just a quick update. I fired some test loads today with bullets (or boolits) that I had cast. The mold was an old lyman semi wadcutter gas check mold. I used hornady gas checks and liquid alox lube. Before loading the bullets weighed in at about 159.5 – 160 grain with my alloy, gas check, and lube. The powder I used was H110. The gun was a marlin 1894 lever action .357 mag with iron sights. The target was at 50 yards with ½ inch squares. My best group was with 12.0 grains. I blame the one flier on me.



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