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unit 21 fatboy

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well - I learned a little about myself this weekend - even an older out of shape guy can get it done the hard way.
I also learned great optics can save you a lot of walking.

Opening day we spotted 5 bucks and 7 does - all the bucks were small 2- 3 points - what I call little "basket" bucks. Here's where the optics came into play - my 16x50 docters made it easy to get a good look at deer well over a mile away.

We woke up Saturday morning to very windy conditions - spotted one deer on the way into the distant ridgeline we were hunting. Spent most the day glassing bush and cactus moving , in hopes to find a deer.
A buck was located about 1:30 , got lucky and he was seen just before bedding in a big juniper.
Now we are several miles from the truck and over a second saddle and down a long mesa, with him on the other side. We know he's the big 2 point we got on camera - not a huge rack but a big bodied mature buck. Our only hope was to get him up and have him step out for a shot , he was in a huge juniper about 200 yrds across the canyon from us.
We whistled ,grunt called ,tossed rocks to no avail-we know he's in there just got to figure out why this isn't working- I do not want to just wait him out - no fun sitting in the hot sun when he's in the shade - lol after several more attempts even talking loudly he finally walks out and I take the shot and he's down - Though it's only 200 yrds across , its a steep ravine and can't see the bottom from where we are sitting. It was like 20 minutes to just to get down and up the other side to him.
Now the fun begins, first look at watch - 2:30 - start second guessing - why did I shot his guy this late - this far from the truck - we are close to 3 miles from the truck and actually see the body size of this buck .
I never carry a camera so pics weren't possible.- start gutless method and capping out - This buck was layered in fat - everywhere back - sides -brisket - belly . The rut must be on cuz his neck was huge also.

Not sure the time frame but the way the sun was going down we knew we had to hurry. Even with the moon rising , I don't like hiking out in the dark , knowing we had to go back down and up the ravine before the long hike out. Man I hate lava rock mesa's - lol . So much for making it out before dark - sun was gone and we were about 1/2 way. We managed to get to the truck by 6:45.

I really want to thank a very good friend and my brother-in-law for sharing this experience and making it possible . I couldn't have done it without them.

Though he's far from my biggest rack - he's definatley the biggest bodied coues I've ever shot, the one hind leg -deboned was 14 lbs. ,on my postal scale.-

This is the picture we have of him we had on a camera. sagging belly and huge rear - lol - we call him fatboy

Glad to have venison in the freezer - been a while.


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Congrats! Nice Buck. Hiking out in the dark is more satisfying with a full pack! Harder too!

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Great job! He looks like a stud!

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congratulations Gary, way to get it done!



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