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Place to sight in near Chino Valley?

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Heading up to the area for Thanksgiving. Wanted to get some shooting in. I want to shoot at least 200yrds, 300 would be better. We used to go to the cinder pit out towards Drake, but it seems to have changed over the years.


Any advice?

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Im sure there are better areas but I used to hunt and shoot up there just north of Chino Valley. 5 miles North of Chino Valley (I guess technically its Paulden) is a road called Verde Ranch Rd. Take it East. You will cross train tracks and it turns into a Forest Service rd. Not sure about the distances but there is a lot of country back there. I am sure you could make something work. Just an idea.

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Their is a lot of open country out there. Shouldnt be hard to find a good spot. Their is a rifle elk hunt starting friday in unit 8.(just a heads up). Ill be up there in 8 helping my grandfather tag a bull and slipping and sliding around in all the mud. I would like to know more about that new shooting range. Goodluck!

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I'd go out just south of Las Vegas Ranch. There's alot of country out there to shoot a long ways.

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