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Big Browns

Anyone want to camp together in 35A for December Hunt?

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Let's just go ahead and base it off of the fact that all anybody on this site has is stories about "scary" encounters that were not life threatening at all. If you're scared to hunt down here- awesome... That's one less metro Barney to buy a leftover tag. I bet you come across more illegals and drug runners every day at your local Wal Mart than you ever will down here while hunting.

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Let's just go ahead and base it off of the fact that all anybody on this site has is stories about "scary" encounters that were not life threatening at all. If you're scared to hunt down here- awesome... That's one less metro Barney to buy a leftover tag. I bet you come across more illegals and drug runners every day at your local Wal Mart than you ever will down here while hunting.


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Let's just go ahead and base it off of the fact that all anybody on this site has is stories about "scary" encounters that were not life threatening at all. If you're scared to hunt down here- awesome... That's one less metro Barney to buy a leftover tag. I bet you come across more illegals and drug runners every day at your local Wal Mart than you ever will down here while hunting.

I think my story could have been life threatening.I am know Chicken Shi@ Scooter! I won't put my son or Grandson in this cituation for a sticking Cows deer I can hunt most units and kill deer me not going down there wont help you we don't see other hunters just drug dealers I spend over 60 days in the woods I am no Metro Barney you dip stick..I have been killing bucks for years since 1977 down south how long have you been dealing with the illegals?lets hear some of your stories running into them.


Seldom Drawn

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Oh lord, I've ruffled feathers. All I was doing is making an observation based on what I've read and by what I've seen living down here for a few years. You don't like it down here- fine. You don't want to bring your family down to hunt- great. I personally think it is a lot less risky than you do. It don't take decades to figure that out. You prove my point... "my story COULD have been life threatening". Yeah, I COULD get in a bad car wreck, I COULD have a home invasion, and I COULD be eaten by zombies someday. None of things would divert me from my normal life and what I want to do. The reality as I see it down here in 35A is that you stand a way better chance of getting mauled by a jaguar than you do of getting into a scrap with illegals- and we have both. I'm not trying to start a relaxing yellow stream contest Seldom Drawn, just sharing my .02 based off of what I read and what I've experienced.

Your Pal,
Dip Stick

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I guess it's probably just all about the math. We've had what? Like 600 tags come through already this year? Thats like 800 people when you factor in buddies to help with camp, glassing, drinkin beer and what not. How many widows have been made, how many folks got killed or injured by border crossers? How many stolen vehicles? How many camps had valuable things stolen? I havent heard of any. I haven't read about any on here and I see lots of CWT stickers around them thar hills on any given weekend from September through January. Not as sensationally dangerous as some folks make it out to be.

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The rainbow powerbait works too- I like the dam riprap area across the lake...

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This was 2004 I believe. The sheriff Dept initially thought it was a bear attack but, the autopsy showed that he was shot all to heck. The authorities think that it was smugglers.

Yeah it is just one guy but if it happens to you it is everything. !Be careful out there!


ARIZONA DAILY STAR A Tucson man was killed and his body found at his camp site in the Santa Rita Mountains Sunday, police said. The man told family members he was going hunting and camping on Thursday. They became concerned when they hadn’t heard from him by Sunday and went looking for him at his usual camp site. They found his body at his camp site off Forest Service Road 485 and originally reported to sheriff's deputies that the man had been mauled by a bear. Sheriff investigators classified the death as a homicide. The body was brought down the mountain last night. “Somebody came upon him between Thursday and Sunday and murdered him,” said Sgt. James Ogden, a spokesperson for the Pima County Sheriff’s Department. Authorities are not releasing the name of the victim until this afternoon, and an autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of death. The investigation continued this morning. Read more about it in tomorrow’s Arizona Daily Star

Read more: http://ushunting.proboards.com/thread/13552#ixzz2nHpxGOhl

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This was 2004 I believe. The sheriff Dept initially thought it was a bear attack but, the autopsy showed that he was shot all to heck. The authorities think that it was smugglers.

Yeah it is just one guy but if it happens to you it is everything. !Be careful out there!


ARIZONA DAILY STAR A Tucson man was killed and his body found at his camp site in the Santa Rita Mountains Sunday, police said. The man told family members he was going hunting and camping on Thursday. They became concerned when they hadn’t heard from him by Sunday and went looking for him at his usual camp site. They found his body at his camp site off Forest Service Road 485 and originally reported to sheriff's deputies that the man had been mauled by a bear. Sheriff investigators classified the death as a homicide. The body was brought down the mountain last night. “Somebody came upon him between Thursday and Sunday and murdered him,” said Sgt. James Ogden, a spokesperson for the Pima County Sheriff’s Department. Authorities are not releasing the name of the victim until this afternoon, and an autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of death. The investigation continued this morning. Read more about it in tomorrow’s Arizona Daily Star


Read more: http://ushunting.proboards.com/thread/13552#ixzz2nHpxGOhl



The Santa Ritas are not in 35A... I sing a different tune about the I-19 corridor or anything west of HWY 83. Whole different ball game with the smugglers over there.

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Bottom line you either choose to hunt down there or not. Sometimes it's not even about the "scared" factor but trying to avoid the illegals stomping through the canyon your glassing. I hunt the border units but every year I'm reminded why some people choose not to. Anyways, shoot a toad big browns! Wish I could give you some info on where I saw big bucks but only saw 10 does the whole hunt ha.

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