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Randy Ulmer Hunting Accident?

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Here's more details if you care. While flying his paraplane he made the mistake of flying through a small sadle up on the strip. He was instantly sucked down to earth as he passed through the sadle resulting in him braking his leg.

He donated his tag to the United Way. Get well soon Randy, the deer are waiting.

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I wonder why the United Way? Why not HOAL? I had no idea that United Way had anything to do with hunting, will they action the tag?


Many, many questions................does anyone know the answers?






Get well soon Randy,

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So let me get this straight. it has been bothering me. Randy uses this flying kite to scout for deer?

Disappointed in Tucson,


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At least Randy scouts for himself, unlike Chuck Adams who just hires people to scout for him.



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Personally I would love to scout from the air to really be able to get a good idea of the topography of the area with killing yourself hiking (even though I enjoy that part). It can help you see the type of vegetation alot better and if your lucky you can find some animals.

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Mark: That is not exactly a great defense. Chuck lovers might say," At least Chuck dosen't hunt from the air! Plus I don't recall any article written by Randy that opened with" On my third pass of buzzing the saddle I finally saw ole MOSSY ANTLERS." I thought Randy was in a league of his own and I admired him greatly. To me this is like finding out that Superman is on crack.


Younghunter: He is not flying around looking at the lay of the land or to see if the acorn crop is coming in. He is looking for only one thing. 220+ inch deer! With this type of plane he can fly real slow and get real low and see the deer in their bedding areas. See one, the GPS comes out. He could cover a mountain range in half a day. There is no way you can convince me this is fair chase. Members of this site are up in arms about The Coues Sanctuary. They claim it is a travesty to hunting. This makes their blood boil ect. How is finding isolated bucks that have never seen humans by air any different? How many guide services and individual hunters are going to start using the same methods? Will there be crowded skies around every hunting spot?


I can see what the hottest new hunter toy will be this Christmas Season. Everyone wants to be like Randy. Introducing the "Randy Ulmer Camo Paraplane: Where no trophy buck can hide."


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Randy is an intelligent hunter. If I had the money to use a paraplane I would do the same thing. There is a lot of risk involved but the enjoyment and effectiveness would outway the risk. Is it legal? If it is legal I don't believe anyone here has grounds to judge the guy? He didn't do this to make money, or guide another hunter. I would imagine he does it for his own enjoyment and to help him find that monster muley. I appreciate all he's given back to the archery world.


Ditto to Younghunters post.

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I personally would not use one even if I had the means but to each thier own. I have to admit that for me it does take away some of the mystique of Mr. Ulmer's success. I truly do admire Mr. Ulmer's accomplishments as an archer and bowhunter but always had thought,until now, that he was successful in killing big bucks in what "I consider" the old fashioned way.

I suppose that with success comes the pressure of continued success when you are under the spotlight the the hunting community and sponsors.

I will stick to doing what I love, for the reasons I love it. Granted, this is my speculation and own opinion on this situation and perhaps I am dead wrong.................................


At any rate I hope Mr. Ulmer has a speedy recovery.

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Regarding the legality of flying a aircraft during the hunting season (I am not sure about the date that he crashed), the closest law I could find was one stating that you may not use an aircraft for 48 hours before and during a special season (R12-4-319 p106).


What day did he crash and did he or anyone he was hunting with have a tag?



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Legal or not it's just not right.

This will open up the whole can 'o worms on hunting ethics. If hunters keep using "every" advantage available instead of old fashion "hunting" the way we were taught by our fathers and granfathers we might as well head down to the Coues Sanctuary.

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this is the conversation that dave thought was going to get started when he posted a bit angry at the first of the thread.

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I dont have a problem with it at all. As long as it is done within the law. Its not like he is using it to round up deer, he is using it to find the caliber of deer he wants to pursue. If anyone thinks it is easy taking a monster deer just because you see it from the air then you are delusional. You cant use a plane within a certain time before a hunt and just finding the home range of a big buck is far from a sure thing, weve all seen big bucks we wanted to pursue later and had them disappear when hunting season comes around. Everyone here needs to get off your high horse, Randy Ulmer and Chuck Adams have always acted within the law (as far as we know)and until I see one of them convicted for something then you are all just jealous little people who have to knock down the guys on top. My hat is off to both of them.

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