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Cody's first hunt

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My wife and I had the opportunity to take Cody and his mom on his first hunt this year. He was lucky enough to draw one of the antlerless tags on the Kiabab. Cody and his mom spent all summer shooting my .243 Ackley and finishing his hunters safety course. Opening day finally arrived and we were off to 12a. We spent the first morning getting our bearings, and trying to find where the deer were hanging out. We had a close call and a missed shot opening morning, then headed back to Jacobs lake to check in to our hotel. Friday afternoon we were back at it. Thanks to a few friends, and a few guys from CW, we knew right where we needed to be. We had a few more close calls and missed shots that evening. We were all having a great time seeing all the deer, and seeing Cody so excited every time we got close. Friday ended with a lot of deer seen, and high hopes for day 2. Saturday we headed out to the same spot before daylight. I couldn't believe all the trucks parked along side the road waiting for shooting light. We decided to head for some lower country we could glass. On the way to our new spot I spotted 2 does across a small canyon. We parked the Jeep and Cody, his mom, and I, snuck back up the ridge across from the deer. We took it really slow glassing every few steps. I soon spotted the 2 deer but they had us pegged. We got Cody set up on the tripod and waited for a good shot. He had a hard time seeing the deer in the thick brush, but finally got one in the scope. I told him to shoot as soon as he could. It seemed like forever, but he finally took his shot and I watched the big doe drop and roll a few times down the hill. After the backslaps and high fives we hiked over to his deer. It took a little while to find the spot, but Cody soon found her right where she dropped. He had made a great clean kill at over 150yds. Not bad for a guy who just started shooting last summer. Cody and I field dressed the deer and I carried her back to the Jeep. That afternoon we got her skinned and boned out. Sunday we headed home and had her packaged and in the freezer by noon. Thanks to all those who offered tips and advice on this unit. It was really a big help to know where to start. I can't wait to help Cody on his next hunt!




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Great job Cody and awesome shot too! Congrats on a very successful hunt!!

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