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Capt. Don Martin

Hunt Of A Lifetime on the Kaibab

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Recently I had the opportunity to hunt with a young man from California who had received a tag transfer for the early Kaibab deer hunt.


He is 11-years-old and his name is Zach.


Zach has went through more illness in his short life than many of us ever will.


He needed a heart transplant at birth (he got it) and was diagnosed with Celiac disease at age 4.


He takes 6 medications twice a day.


He is short little guy, about 4 feet 3 inches and weighs just 60 lbs. But he has smile that is just awesome!


When a member of MonsterMuleys contacted me about donating the tag to Arizona Hunt Of A Lifetime, I was happy to do the guiding for Zach and his family.


In 2012 I had an elderly hunter on that same early Kaibab hunt and found a game water that deer were hitting night and day.


In three days we saw 36 bucks at the water.


I thought we would put up the pop up blind and sit near the water, and that it wouldn't take long for Zach to get a buck.


Boy was I wrong!


Opening day we are in the blind. We are Randall, Zach's dad, Zach and myself. Zach's mom Rori and cousin, John, went out looking at other areas.


When it was 8 a.m. after the only thing that came by was three guys in a truck who drove by the (1) HOAL sign I had put out and (2) past the ROAD CLOSED sign that the U.S. Forest Service had put up and (3) us in the blind, I knew we were in trouble.


The recent snow had left water everywhere and the deer wouldn't have to come to ponds or trick ttanks to for water. It was going to be a spot n stalk hunt for the young man.


Despite the odds, we went out hunting and later on opening day, Zach's dad located a really nice 3 X 2 that Zach got a shot at. Unfortunately he missed, but hey we all have been there, right?


We had a super steady Manfrotto tripod that we used for support for the gun the young hunter was using.


Over the next two days we saw plenty of deer and bucks (25 in all) and turkeys, and of course lots of those unique Kaibab squirrels.


I did manage to find the best scoring buck I have ever seen on an early hunt, but he ws too far away and Zach couldn't find him or either of the two bucks who were with this giant, in the scope.


On the last day he hunted, Zach was on a 2 X 2 at 96 yards that was bedded down.


Despite our efforts with the young hunter, he just couldn't find the buck in his scope.


And so he went home with an unfilled tag but I think a lot of joy.


This was his first time out hunting, and I'm hoping he will come back for one of thos eleft over juniors javelina tags that are available, and that his folks put him in for the juniors antlerless hunt next fall.


Zach is a neat kid and his family is wonderful!


I enjoyed being with them and can't wait till we do it again.


Hunting isn't always about the taking, its always about the experience. And to all of us, this was a successful hunt.



Randall-John-Rori and in front Zach



Don Martin-Zach-Randall and Rori


Sign I had up that the three guys in a silver truck just drove around. Note the ROAD CLOSED sign a few yards back. The knuckheads drove right past that to.


Don Martin

Outfitter/Guide Coordinator

AZ Hunt of a Lifetime



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Great story Don. I love to see those kids get an opportunity like that, and you're right, it's not the kill, it's the journey getting there. Thanks.

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"Hunting isn't always about the taking, its always about the experience. And to all of us, this was a successful hunt."


Very true statement Don!


Thanks to everyone who took this boy hunting!

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A big thank you to all involved for the dedication and commitment to helping these young hunters fulfill a dream! I am friends with some members of the family and know this was an exciting time for young Zach.

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Another job well done!!


All, If you do not know, Don is a finalist of three individuals that is under review for appointment to the AZGFD Commission.


Don is the type of person that we need to represent the Commission. I have not met another more caring and willing person that does so much for others within the hunting community!


Don, I agree, sometimes we forget it is about the fellowship and the lifelong friendships that are made! Thanks for making a difference in Zach life!



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Very enjoying read. Thanks for taking the time not just writing the story but taking the time out of your life to help and share it with this young fella! I commend you! Thanks! It looks like it was a fun time for all. Boo for the rude people out there!

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