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Draw odds

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With my deer/rifle hunt at an end and archery deer around the corner, I have been starting to think about the elk draw for next year. It seems like getting drawn is so tough on one hand, but then it seems like a lot of you hunt elk regularly. Which leads me to believe that getting drawn is not as hard as I think. I have been told that it is all about how you stack your choices. Can anyone elaborate on this? With deer, I have just always put in for what I want and hope for the best. I am new to elk hunting and am VERY interested in it. I just don't want to have to wait 10 years to hunt elk. That just seems ridiculous to me.

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Are they archery hunts or late rifle hunts if you don't mind me asking? I would REALLY like to start archery hunting elk.

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It all depends on which unit you were wanting to go to. There are some archery hunts that the draw odds arn't too bad. These units are not as well known for their quality bulls like some of these other more popular units such as units 9,10, 3a/3c,23,1, and 27 but that doesn't mean they arn't in there. If your wanting to get drawn more often and hunt the "lesser quality" units such as 6b,7e, 11m, 4b, and 4a you can probably draw those a lot more often than the first group of units I listed and all of those hunts in the second list are still good hunts. Check out the draw odds portion of the hunting regs and you can use that to help you decide.

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You can check the 1-2 pass bonus point report for the 2013 hunt numbers to help you choose

http://www.azgfd.gov/eservices/documents/bonus/5-2013/2013 Pronghorn and Elk - Bonus Point Report - 1-2 Pass by Hunt Number.pdf


The column "success-BPG-%" will give you an idea of the chance of drawing with your number of BP.

You might consider an archery bull hunt first choice and an archery cow hunt second choice, or two archery cow hunts to maximize your chances if you are open to archery cow. Put in the hunt you really want to go on first choice, and then a hunt with better draw odds second choice. It does not make sense to put in for a high demand hunt like archery bull unit 9 for choice 3, 4, or 5 as those permits are all drawn in the 1-2 pass. Look at the permit numbers drawn in the 1-2 pass to see what hunts may have permits remaining for the 3-4-5 pass


Make note that the hunt numbers in the report are the 2013 hunt numbers.

Good luck in the draw.

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Thanks guys! I know that there are a bunch of tags issued for it, but I really like 6a. I have just spent a lot of time there. 4a is really nice too.

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that's what i was wondering as well. i have no bonus points. looking at the regs and the % odds drawn doesn't really say much asides from stats of number of apps and number of permits

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