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Foiled again!!!

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Sneaky coyote buggers always know just where to jam me up.Third one this year that was well within shotgun range but I couldn't seal the deal... It's cool to call them in close with mouth calls but also frustrating because I just can't seem to make it all come together and get one on the ground. I even used a decoy today.

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I had one at 40yds yesterday quail hunting. I was also trying out my pig call of the heck of it and it's pretty close to a predator call. I called, sat down and started messing with my backpack getting water and when I stood up he froze, turned around and trotted away...

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when I use mouth calls I try and make sure the rifle/shotgun is ready and in the best position possible so that I wont move to much when the yote arrives and I need to aim.. I use FoxPro wildfire and rabbit decoy these days and darn yote do a bee line towards the decoy and never see me ot the bullet coming at them.. good luck out there..

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Yeah, I had the rifle ready on the shooting sticks and the shotgun was down to my right side which in hindsight was a bad idea because I had to pick it up off the ground and swing it over to of the rifle to get it over to my 9 o'clock where the 'yote was... My predator shotgun is a 28" barreled Mossberg 835 with an extended choke so it's a hefty gun to try to maneuver in that split second when the coyote figured things out. Had the shotgun been on my lap, all I would've had to do was raise it up and shoot... Lesson learned.

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