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Most interesting stalks while hunting

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A good friend of mine just showed me this video, and it amazed me that someone was able to do this. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=584974631550625&set=vb.100001142791961&type=2&theater I do not own this video at all, I just thought that it was really unique, and was worth sharing.

I'm also wondering what your guys most unique stalks have been while hunting. The only weird stalk that I have encountered so far was two years ago archery hunting my brother spotted a group of deer around 800 yards away and I decided to go after a 2x1 mulie in the group. This is where everything went wrong as one of our radios was dead so we decided to communicate via cellphone. Halfway on my venture I had to take a quick bathroom break to try to calm myself down, and when I went to latch my belt through the hole I pulled so hard on my belt that it snapped in half. So here I am crawling at this group of deer holding my pants up in one hand, and holding my bow, and cell phone in the other. I ended up taking my first archery shot ever at the buck at 55 yards with my pants down at my ankles, and I missed just low. My brother still brings this story up and laughs as he watched the whole thing happen through the spotting scope. Needless to say, this was the point in which I fell in love with archery hunting.

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