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dermestes beetles for skull cleaning

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So I've been wanting to get into doing some european mounts and have been thinking about buying some dermestes beetles. Does anyone on here have any experience with breeding, caring and housing a colony of these beetle and who would be willing to share their advice?


Thanks, I appreciate the advice in advance.



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I bought some, then went to retrieve a javelina head I had put out in a tree 6 months before. The javelina head was filled with the same beetles I had just paid for. anyway i put the new and old in a 10gallon bucket with some compost and have had beetles ever since. Real easy to care for just keep the bucket in a cool spot in the summer or at least out of the sunlight. sometimes you'll think the hava all died, but if you put a piece of dried meat in the bucket in a week or so it will be gone.

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make sure all the beetles are off whatever they cleaned for you. Unless you need all your mounts and other things in the house "cleaned" too.

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